'Dynamic duo' performs for UAB
The University Activities Board will host poets Panama Soweto and Ken Arkind, who perform collectively under the name Dynamic Duo, at 9 p.m. Friday at the Union.
The University Activities Board will host poets Panama Soweto and Ken Arkind, who perform collectively under the name Dynamic Duo, at 9 p.m. Friday at the Union.
Students looking for gluten-free and fat-free frozen yogurt with fewer than 29 calories per ounce can head to Swirlberry, East Lansing’s newest business, located at 228 Abbot Road.
Road construction is scheduled to take place between 7:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. today at the southeast corner of Saginaw Street and Harrison Road. Workers will be installing a water valve.
After being awarded $213,200 from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant, or EECBG, the city of East Lansing’s buildings will be upgraded with more energy efficient lights, light fixtures and motion sensors.
Lansing entrepreneur Donny Wetmore is trying to ease economic troubles for himself and the community by stabbing people — with his tattoo machine.
To Robin Buell, an associate professor in the Department of Plant Biology, different potato types mean much more than French, mashed or baked.
An advisory committee expected to provide guidance to the director of the Chicano/Latino Studies program is moving forward after about a one-month hiatus.
In a barrage of bullets and arrows, MSU opened the doors of a new $3.5 million, 24,000-square-foot shooting facility Monday, the first day of open shooting.
Elba Philips was 12 years old when she knew she wanted to be an artist.
More than 2,500 registered runners, including students, alumni, children and community residents raced around the MSU Museum Sunday morning to take part in the Dinosaur Dash, the MSU Museum’s annual fundraising event.
The King of Pop came to McDonel Hall Kiva Friday night, and as a tribute to the man himself, McDonel Hall Black Caucus honored Michael Jackson with 22 performers as part of the group’s Soul Night.
The streets of East Lansing were filled Sunday with groups of people in neon yellow shirts, running around with cell phones in hand, competing in a race to find a $10,000 diamond ring.
Faster than walking. Easier to park than a car. No need to buy gas. These are just a few reasons why there are hundred of bikes on MSU’s campus.
“Capitalism: A Love Story” could be described as a documentary, a comedy and perhaps even horror. Anything but a love story.
ASMSU’s Student Assembly voted Thursday to approve funding for its fall concert which will take place sometime in November or December at Breslin Center. ASMSU is MSU’s undergraduate student government.
MSU’s Pagan club, Green Spiral, and members of the Catholic St. John Student Center took part in an open-question panel discussion Thursday night at the Union. Two members from Green Spiral and two members of St. John took questions from audience members of both faiths to try and show both religions can coexist.
For the first time after returning from his 17-month journey around the world, former East Lansing Mayor Sam Singh shared his experiences with his community and alma mater Thursday.
A collection of 1.5 million insect specimens started about 150 years ago at MSU will be getting a new home thanks to a federal stimulus grant that will pay for updated storage units and an improved online specimen database.
The importance of legal ethics is in the spotlight as MSU’s College of Law looks beyond the classroom to reach the community through an institute dedicated to ethics.
Imagine living and reporting daily on Greenland, the world’s largest island, and also home of the second largest ice sheet, after Antarctica.