Thursday, January 16, 2025

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City buildings get energy upgrades

After being awarded $213,200 from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant, or EECBG, the city of East Lansing’s buildings will be upgraded with more energy efficient lights, light fixtures and motion sensors.


Sign of the times

Lansing entrepreneur Donny Wetmore is trying to ease economic troubles for himself and the community by stabbing people — with his tattoo machine.


Museum's annual Dino Dash raises $20K

More than 2,500 registered runners, including students, alumni, children and community residents raced around the MSU Museum Sunday morning to take part in the Dinosaur Dash, the MSU Museum’s annual fundraising event.


Black Caucus honors MJ with Soul Night

The King of Pop came to McDonel Hall Kiva Friday night, and as a tribute to the man himself, McDonel Hall Black Caucus honored Michael Jackson with 22 performers as part of the group’s Soul Night.


MSU Pagans and Catholics hold discussion panel at the Union

MSU’s Pagan club, Green Spiral, and members of the Catholic St. John Student Center took part in an open-question panel discussion Thursday night at the Union. Two members from Green Spiral and two members of St. John took questions from audience members of both faiths to try and show both religions can coexist.