Friday, September 27, 2024

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News | Michigan


Gubernatorial candidates report campaign finances

Republican candidate Rick Snyder leads all candidates with $3.3 million raised, but $2.6 million of that came from his own pocket. Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox trails Snyder with $1.83 million, while the only announced Democratic candidate, state Rep. Alma Wheeler Smith, D-Salem Township, has raised $36,245.


Fishing regulation vital for ecosystem

Visit any local grocery store and you’ll find a seemingly endless spread of some of the world’s finest fish, ready for purchase. To the average consumer, the variety and abundance of fish appears to have never been greater — and that’s the problem, said Bill Taylor, an MSU professor of fisheries and wildlife.


Request for Wales warrant received

The Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office received a request from the East Lansing Police Department for a fugitive warrant for Leo Wales III, Ingham County Prosecutor Stuart Dunnings III said.


Painting at the zoo

More than a dozen people were crowded in an octagonal room stuffy with the smell of paint fumes Saturday at Potter Park Zoo, 1301 S. Pennsylvania Ave., in Lansing.


Students urged to complete 2010 Census

Ten questions could equal big bucks for the city of East Lansing. City officials and a student group are urging the MSU community to fill out the 2010 U.S. Census, which will be 10 questions long instead of the 53 questions from the last census in 2000.


Water main breaks on Harrison Road

A water main broke Monday at the Harrison Road and Sever Drive intersection in East Lansing, affecting the water supply at Red Cedar Elementary School, 1110 Narcissus Drive, and the surrounding neighborhood. Harrison Road was marked down to a single southbound lane as road crews fix the main. The road should resume normal operation Monday night.


Poll shows Ilitch, Cox front-runners in gubernatorial race

A recent poll revealed Detroit businesswoman Denise Ilitch as the Democratic front-runner for November’s gubernatorial election and Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox as the leading Republican candidate. The poll, which was conducted by EPIC-MRA, a public policy polling group in Lansing, showed 23 percent of the respondents like Ilitch in the Democratic primary, with 38 percent undecided or refusing to choose.