Friday, September 27, 2024

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News | Michigan


Student health care proposals seek balance

Some students might have easier access to health care because of a new health reform bill proposed by state Sen. Tom George, R-Kalamazoo, last week. “If you’re going to go to school, it’s hard to work many hours a week and keep up with your classes,” said Sherry Sofia, chief of staff for George. “It could be those people who have a part-time job and no benefits provided by their employer who are helped.”


Zombie Walk helps feed community

As the streets of East Lansing darkened Saturday night, the buzz of the 2009 East Lansing Art Festival began to die down. But as fairgoers and art aficionados left, a new group arose to walk the streets of East Lansing: a macabre crowd of stumbling zombies.


8 things to look back on from ’08-’09

It’s been a rough year for the nation and some of its effects have trickled through to campus. The economy has tanked, jobs are scarce, education funding continues to be threatened and mourning the deceased was all too common across campus this school year. But Spartans have shown their prowess on the athletic fields and courts and learned FRIB is coming to our crib, among other positive events.


US-127, I-496 will see lane closures

Several road closures will begin within the next week, as summer construction projects commence in the Lansing area. Single lane closures on I-496 and US-127 will begin on Saturday for maintenance of freeway lights. One lane will be closed between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. in the area.


Fashion show benefits local food bank

Local fashion models walked the runway at the first Fashions for Food fundraiser Thursday night at the Country Club of Lansing (CCL), 2200 Moores River Drive. The show was held to benefit the Greater Lansing Food Bank, which has seen a dramatic increase in service since the beginning of the year.


Web site allows unused emissions to be sold

Although the proposed carbon cap-and-trade policy has yet to pass in the United States, a new Web site makes it possible for U.S. residents to reap the benefits of other nations’ cap-and-trade systems, while promoting a greener lifestyle.


MSU recycles students’ unwanted items

The end of the school year in East Lansing typically means copious abandoned furniture, clothing and household items up for grabs, lying on the side of the road. However, East Lansing and MSU officials are seeking to eliminate such waste by teaming up for the Pack Up, Pitch In recycling program.


Health officials brace for swine flu's possible spread to Mich.

As swine flu increases in prevalence across the U.S. and possible cases begin to appear in Michigan, state health officials are making preparations in the event of an outbreak. The U.S. government declared a health emergency Sunday after 20 cases were reported. The U.S. first became aware of the virus Friday, Ingham County spokesman Marcus Cheatham said.