Friday, September 27, 2024

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News | Michigan


Grand River's 'cursed corner' to house new hopeful restaurant

At the intersection of East Grand River Avenue and Abbot Road is a corner property noted by local business owners for its ability to thwart success, but East Lansing resident Joe Conrad said he’ll challenge the reputation of 101 E. Grand River Ave. with today’s opening of his restaurant, Conrad’s College Town Grill.


Stimulus funds unexpected bonus for tri-county region

With more than $70 million in federal stimulus funds awarded this year, officials from the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission have been able to complete more projects this summer than expected. The Tri-County Regional Planning Commission is a combined effort between Ingham, Clinton and Eaton counties and includes officials from East Lansing.


E.L. holds annual safety carnival

As East Lasing native Allison Foster sat at a picnic table with her sons Connor, 7, and Cole, 8, a motorcycle cop revved up his engine only feet away. This wasn’t any scene of a crime, it was the 26th annual National Night Out, a safety carnival held on Tuesday at Patriarche Park, 1100 Alton Road.


Pets featured at E.L. event for children

Reptiles and insects were all the rage Tuesday at the final 2009 Play in the Park interactive children’s entertainment event at Valley Court Park, 201 Hillside Court. Preuss Pets, a family owned exotic pet store located in Lansing’s Old Town, was the main attraction with an assortment of reptilian creatures, including a Savannah monitor lizard and a 62-year-old South American red-footed tortoise named Fred. Jessica Howe, a community events intern with the city of East Lansing, organized July’s four Play in the Park events and said Tuesday’s Pets in the Park was unique because audience members were able to interact with animals they might usually only be able to see through the glass in a pet store. “We’re just going to talk about how (the animals) survive in the wild,” Howe said.


Jet America suspends Lansing flights for 31 days

Plans to offer low-cost flights out of Lansing this summer never left the ground after Jet America suspended flights and began refunding tickets earlier this month. The carrier, which was supposed to begin service July 13, planned service to Lansing Capital Region International Airport with direct flights to Newark, N.J., as well as to Melbourne, Fla., near Orlando.


New law might permit electronic ballots for citizens overseas

New state legislation might make it easier for Michigan residents serving abroad in the military to cast absentee votes and to have them counted in time for Election Day. Operation: Make Our Troops Count is a proposal that would allow service men and women abroad to receive absentee votes electronically via e-mail and then mail them to their local county clerk.


Jazz lives on in East Lansing

Whenever Carl Cafagna hits a note on the sax, clarinet or another instruments he’s mastered, he is carrying on his father’s passion for jazz. “My son became what I always wanted to be,” said Al Cafagna, Carl’s father and a retired MSU philosophy professor.


Scrapfest takes off in Old Town

With the purpose of highlighting the importance of recycling and the concept of making art out of trash, 12 teams of varying sizes hastily sorted through a scrap yard Saturday at Friedland Industries, 405 E. Maple St., in Lansing’s Old Town, to collect up to 500 pounds of scrap metal each for the first-ever Scrapfest event.