Friday, September 27, 2024

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News | Michigan


Students rally for Mich. Promise

About 100 students from Michigan universities gathered at the state Capitol Tuesday afternoon to hand deliver about 2,500 signatures petitioning state legislators to keep the Michigan Promise Scholarship.


AOPi chapter celebrates 75th anniversary

The Beta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi hasn’t always had an easy time at MSU. Despite a closure of the chapter in 1969 for two decades, the sorority, located at 333 Charles St., celebrated its 75th anniversary at MSU on Saturday. Linda Grandolfo, the nationwide vice president of the sorority, was present at the event and said the anniversary was a monumental event for the MSU chapter.


Poetry presentation to come to Old Town

Lovers of the spoken and written word will have an opportunity to enjoy selections of poetry at the presentation of Found in Translation: Poetry From Around the World on Sept. 23 as part of the Old Town Poetry Series at Creole Gallery, 1218 Turner St., in Lansing.


Hopeful future for housing development

A housing development in East Lansing might see an increase in buyers after a sluggish summer, city officials said. The Avondale Square project, located on the 600 block of Virginia Avenue and aimed at permanent residents, is expected to have more buyers in the coming months, said Lori Mullins, East Lansing Community and Economic Development administrator.