Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Surviving in a judgemental world

A large part of what you do — the activities you participate in, the sports you play, the way you act in certain situations — contributes to who you are as a person. These little pieces paint a bigger picture of who you truly are deep down inside. To my dismay, a large part of who I am — or seem to be — is dependent upon how others see me.


Why student elections don't attract voters

I’m one of the few folks who has voted in every student election while here at MSU. It’s been an interesting four years of noticing how things have changed at ASMSU. When I came here, there were two assemblies and almost no one ran opposed for student elections. In 2011, the first election with one assembly, turnout was less than 3 percent. Clearly something needed to be done.


Helmet safety law should be common sense

Laws shouldn’t have to be created to enforce common sense. But they also shouldn’t encourage reckless behavior. On April 10, members of Michigan’s insurance and medical industries met at the Capitol, urging lawmakers and Gov. Rick Snyder to reinstate the state’s mandatory motorcycle helmet law.


Spirit trumps tragedy

Coping with the aftermath of a national tragedy is a process that has no deadline. In the days that follow, questions pertaining to motive and intent move to the forefront of our minds. Regardless of where the disaster takes place, for a brief period of time, every person seems to belong to the area of the country that’s been affected.


Dealing with SAD

For many, the transition from dreary winter days to the sunny months of spring brings lower levels of stress and consistently happier moods. The change in mood experienced by many is caused by more than seeing life in a new light — it is caused by the change in light itself.


Put down your #$%&-ing phone

I am standing at the urinal pissing, and I need to whip out my phone to check Twitter. That’s how bad it has gotten. I can’t even drain my body of fluids without stuffing information back into it at the same time.


A hipster, by any other name

If you’ve committed the mortal sin of filling your wardrobe with brands other than Ralph Lauren Polo or J. Crew, dared to have an iTunes library containing indie artists or have an unusual hobby or interest, you’ve put yourself under the scrutiny of society’s rigid judgment.


Life of hate should be questioned

As I walked across campus the other day, I contemplated the mysteries surrounding hate, remembering my forays into hating broccoli or spinach or rhubarb, or the kid next door who pelted me with snowballs, or Mr. Brown, my fifth-grade teacher who made fun of my cowlick.


Vote online for COGS tax renewal

From April 8 to April 15, MSU graduate and professional students can go to to vote on the renewal of the Council of Graduate Students (COGS) tax.