Sunday, October 20, 2024

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News | Msu


Challenge to raise organ donor awareness

Spartans know it takes guts to beat the University of Michigan. But Gift of Life Michigan volunteers want to know which school is willing to give those guts away. The nonprofit organ donation program is sponsoring "No Guts, No Glory," an online drive between the rival universities.


Mock team readies for next tournament

Returning from the Mid-Missouri Invitational Tournament with a number of successes, including taking fifth place out of 36 teams, the MSU Mock Trial Team is looking to head into the regional tournament at the University of Notre Dame on Feb.


silver & gold

Dan Gould is not an Olympic skier, but he knows how to think like one. The sports psychologist who helped freestyle skiers get in the zone for the 1998 Olympic Games will join the MSU faculty next fall. "I got to work with some of the best athletes in the world," Gould said.


Site aims for political balance

A Web site launched by a student group at the University of Colorado at Boulder followed by proposed legislation are the most recent efforts in a growing trend to keep the personal political views of professors out of the classroom at public universities.


Study: Textbook extras unneeded

Multimedia CD-ROM textbook supplements can be nice, but new editions of textbooks are generally unnecessary, students say. The comments follow a recent study titled "Ripoff 101: How the Current Practices of the Textbook Industry Drive Up Cost of College Textbooks," which was conducted by the Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group.


Energy pact to reduce yearly expenses

A Consumers Energy contract approved by state utility regulators on Thursday could mean good news for MSU energy costs. The Michigan Public Service Commission agreed to a special pact between the energy company, the state, Western Michigan University, the University of Michigan-Flint and MSU.


Saving face

It takes a lifetime to build a reputation. It takes a thief seconds to steal an identity and destroy a name.


Dorm evacuated after alarm sounds

In a scene vaguely reminiscent of a building evacuation nearly a week ago, a handful of students gathered outside Hubbard Hall Monday afternoon after a fire alarm went off. But for the second time, it wasn't a fire that brought the residents in contact with the chilly air. Maintenance worker Sean Sullivan said he checked the control panel on the way out of the building. "The alarm panel just says it's a water issue," said Sullivan, a communication junior, citing possibilities such as overflow or a clog.


Chalkboard ads, band draws believers

Some stood with both arms lifted firmly to the sky. Others raised a hand more tentatively, held closely into their bodies. Still others bowed heads and silently mouthed the words of the Christian song hanging in the air at Conrad Hall. "I'm forgiven because you were forsaken," the image freezes for a second before moving to the next set of lyrics in the song. For Julia Hilliker, an agriscience freshman, this was a private moment she could share in a public forum.


Sororities seek pledges

The Spring 2004 sorority recruitment week kicked off Monday with a fair at the Union. All 13 chapters of the Panhellenic Council were on hand, manning booths that sported pictures and bulletin boards as members of each sorority answered questions and concerns from potential recruits. Abbey Mansfield, president of the Panhellenic Council, said Spring recruitment is less formal than Fall and gives recruits a chance to get to know each house on a more personal basis.


Honors College hosts annual Geek Week

This week, the Honors College Programming Board will host its second annual Geek Week. The week's events will begin today with the "The Milky Way Legacy" show at 7:30 p.m.


Group emphasizes bicycle usage to protect campus sustainability

When the MSU Bike Project first was created there were only a few bicycles and no place to call home. But now, with a new Web site,, and a spot in Demonstration Hall for storage, the project aims at getting students and faculty out of their cars by providing them with bikes. Officials from the MSU Bike Project are hoping by the summer semester to expand its fleet to 100 bikes.


Thousands show for Michael Moore lecture, book signing

"One-two-three-four! We don't want your racist war! Five-six-seven-eight! Stop the violence, stop the hate!" Supporters of Michael Moore in the standing-room-only crowd chanted such slogans while waiting for the author and filmmaker to begin speaking in the Auditorium on Friday. Event organizers estimated about 4,300 people attended the event, with between 200 and 300 people turned away.


Research, grad studies VP to leave 'U' in May

MSU's vice president for research and graduate studies will leave the university after seven years to follow his environmental research interests. Bob Huggett will head back to his original research in environmental studies at the end of this school year. "I've been in academia for 35 years, and it's time to do something else," he said.