Wednesday, September 25, 2024

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News | Michigan


New job search aid launched

A new interactive database tool designed to help Michigan residents find jobs, the Job and Career Accelerator, or JCA, became more accessible Monday on a website run by the Michigan Department of Education.


Break-ins, house fire occur during break

It’s been a rough couple weeks for Trinidad Esparza-Magañan and his roommates. On Dec. 30, 2010, the media and communication technology and food industry management senior reported a home invasion at his house. A week and a half later, at 3:18 a.m. Sunday morning, a fire broke out in their kitchen and spread to the rest of their house.


End-of-year legislation passes

State lawmakers last month wrapped up the legislative session by passing numerous of bills and meeting a handful of times before officially adjourning — but not before repealing penalties for possession and use of several drugs.


His personal touch

In a business dominated by computers, he still is doing it by hand. Since the 1960s, Gary Glenn has been painting signs, cars, murals and any other odds and ends he can get paint on.


Group collects coats, letters at event

On a chilly December afternoon, community members stood in the cold to help collect coats for those who might not have something warm to wrap themselves in during the holiday season and letters for soldiers who won’t be home to celebrate it.