Monday, September 23, 2024

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News | Michigan


Duffel bag could provide clues for Boston bomb

Although police have yet to find the faces behind the Boston tragedy heard around the world, MSU experts say based on their research, those responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing are likely to be identified soon, thanks to a duffle bag.


Study sparks debate on safety of no-helmet law

Using crash data from the Office of Highway Planning and Safety, the University of Michigan study estimates 26 deaths and 49 critical injuries would not have occurred in 2011 if Michigan residents still were required by law to wear helmets while riding a motorcycle.


Stricter abortion laws put in place

Michigan abortion clinics will need to adhere to a stricter set of rules, including screening women to ensure they aren’t being forced into abortions, to stay in business under a controversial state law that recently took effect. “House Bill No.


Hopeful downtown developers answer to officials, residents

After the last meeting of the Park District Planning Area Review Team left members with more questions than answers, prospective developers of the Park District Area — a slot of vacant downtown properties including the site formerly planned for the City Center II project — were brought before the team to review their qualifications Wednesday at the meeting at City Hall.


AT&T to bring 4g lte to area

AT&T smartphone users in the Lansing area already enjoy fourth generation, or 4G, coverage, but according to the nation’s second-largest cellular service provider coverage will be upgraded by the end of this summer to Long Term Evolution, or LTE, infrastructure.


Couch burnings pose hazards for health, environment

Criminal charges aside, many who burn furniture aren’t aware of the health implications the act can have on themselves or the environment. Couches and other furniture contain a host of harmful materials which produce toxic smoke when burned, civil and environmental engineering professor Venkatesh Kodur said.