Sunday, September 22, 2024

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News | Michigan


Breaking barriers

Many international students pursue degrees and careers, forcing them out of their comfort zones. It isn’t easy. But both MSU and East Lansing are taking steps to ease the transition.


Taxicab authority will bring regulation to cabs, but at a cost

A taxicab authority approved by the East Lansing City Council will provide more regulations to taxicab drivers in the city ? but may increase the cost of fares.East Lansing Mayor Nathan Triplett said a taxicab authority would benefit both drivers and riders.ap“Creating the Greater Lansing Taxicab Authority will allow us to have one uniform license, and requirements and regulations of taxicabs,” Triplett said.apThe authority will eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy when licensing taxicabs, Triplett said.apThe plan for taxicab authority was created after officials from Lansing and East Lansing realized the differences of regulations in the neighboring cities.ap“Lansing and East Lansing both have different rules, and at times we reach different conclusions of who should be licensed to drive a cab,” Triplett said.apAlthough regulations might create a safer resource for riders, price increases might affect students.EZ Taxi owner Eric Penrose said a taxicab authority would be helpful, but its implementation will have an impact on riders and drivers.apOne of Penrose’s concerns is regarding the implementation of meters in different taxicabs.ap“The rate is going to be more ? it’s going to affect everybody if you are going to put meters,” Penrose said.apPenrose said that with the meters, drivers would incur more expenses because of the meter maintenance.apBut Triplett said adding meters will help riders identify reliable taxicabs.“The objective is to make sure that we have a pricing system that is fair and transparent to riders,” Triplett said.apNeuroscience sophomore Erica Meissner thinks that the creation of a taxicab authority will benefit students.ap“You can’t go wrong with regulating something that so many students use,” Meissner said.apHowever, Meissner said that the increase in fares would make students opt for other options.ap“I think students will still use it because they kind of have to,” Meissner said.


Drinking culture

Alcohol has fueled celebrations, riots, holidays and in some cases, trips to the hospital. But what do students who attend MSU really think about the drinking culture here?


Sankofa Graduate Association sounds off on sentencing in Renisha McBride case

The memory of Renisha McBride’s murder might have faded away since it happened a little less than a year ago, but it has recently re-gathered media attention, as the man convicted of her murder, Theodore Wafer, was sentenced to 17 years in prison.McBride, a 19-year-old black woman, was shot to death on Wafer’s porch in metro Detroit while seeking help after a car accident.The Sankofa Graduate Association has been actively spreading awareness on the case since it took place.