Daniel Kleppner can trace the theory of quantum physics back to the late 19th century, but hes reluctant to predict its future.
If youre predicting the future of science, youre probably wrong, the MIT physics professor said Wednesday night.
Nature exceeds our expectations.
Kleppner, an associate director of the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, gave the second of five lectures in the inaugural McPherson Professorship series.
A crowd of 1,000 filled the Wharton Centers Great Hall to hear the renowned scientist.
Kleppner said he hopes by the year 2100, the understanding of matter - a century-long journey thus far - will lead to several key discoveries.
He said studies now will eventually lead to a standard molecular model, including mass and make-up, the origin of mass, understanding of quantum gravity and the origin of the universe.
I see a parallel between what is going on now and the 1920s, Kleppner said.
The professorship was named after MSU President M.