Saturday, August 31, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Rachel Wright

Recent Articles


Uncle remembered for Trade Center heroism

Chrissy Golden began her morning Sept. 11 in a similar manner as many other MSU students did, learning about the attacks in New York and Washington. But Golden’s devastation was more personal. “I woke up that morning early because I had to be at work at 10,” said Golden, a human resources senior.


Experts say cash standstill good strategy to find culprits

Exactly two weeks after Sept. 11, U.S. officials are still attempting to smoke the terrorists out - by any means necessary. In the nation’s latest measure to pinpoint the culprits, President Bush called for a “strike on the financial foundation” of terrorists, and froze assets of 27 individuals and organizations. The freeze applies to “terrorist organizations, individuals, terrorist leaders, a corporation that serves as a front for terrorism and several nonprofit organizations,” Bush said.


Economics majors have new home; department moves

The Department of Economics has a new address. And students who wish to pursue their degree in the subject can take a new route.The department, which was formerly part of the Eli Broad College of Business, is now part of the College of Social Science.Charles Ballard, an economics professor, has been instrumental in “hammering the nuts and bolts out of the new curriculum.”“In terms of the curriculum, it changes things a little bit,” he said.


Community breaks ground on Jewish student center

After a four-year campaign, one MSU student group will see its dream come true.A groundbreaking ceremony was held Sunday to kick off construction of a new Hillel Jewish Student Center, 402 Linden St., on the former location of the old structure.More than 75 people came to celebrate the beginning of the new structure.“A new Hillel building is extremely important to MSU,” said Andrew Bocknek, a finance senior who also sits on the Hillel board of governors.


Students mourn tragic events at concert

Beaumont Tower was more than an MSU landmark Friday as students, staff, faculty and visitors transformed the structure and surrounding landscape into a place for silent tribute. As a way to grieve and pray for Tuesday’s tragedies, more than 300 people sat huddled around the tower and listened to the carillon.