Thursday, January 16, 2025

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Snow shoveling safe for youth

As students return to East Lansing with driveways full of snow, it's not their own health that should concern them while shoveling - it's their parents' and grandparents'. Research conducted by MSU kinesiology professor Chris Womack and his colleagues showed that when young people shovel snow, their body increases production of the enzyme that helps fight coagulation, a condition which can lead to blood clots.


Kerry's daughter visits 'U'

A presidential candidate's daughter told students Tuesday they should take a look at all of the candidates and decide who can do the best job, rather than cheering for front-runners in the Democratic race.Vanessa Kerry, who is the daughter of presidential hopeful Sen.


Official brings creativity, diversity to work

The office of the first black electrical engineering doctorate in the nation reveals little about his colorful past.One of the only distinguishing features in Percy Pierre's office in the Engineering Building is his dry-erase board, useful for recording ideas and making plans.This balance of creativity and sensible planning is what has helped this vice president for research and graduate studies for the College of Engineering in his commitment to innovatively solving problems."One of my best friends in grad school was an artist," Pierre said.


Interim dean chosen

MSU Provost Lou Anna Simon and an advisory committee selected Chuck Salmon as the acting dean of the College of Communication Arts and Sciences.The recommendation will be voted on by the MSU Board of Trustees at its meeting today.Salmon, the associate dean for the college, will replace Dean James Spaniolo, who will become the seventh president of the University of Texas at Arlington on Feb.


Conference shows campus community seeks diversity

Members of the MSU community are highly interested in learning about diversity programs and services available on campus, evaluations of October's Best Practices in Diversity conference indicated. The conference aimed to share ideas on increasing diversity and multiculturalism between colleges and programs at MSU.


GEU fears loss of 40 TA positions

Graduate Employees Union officials said they fear a loss of jobs and the quality education because university officials could soon cut 40 teaching assistant positions. With a $920 million deficit in the state and the university removing $60 million from its budget, Assistant Provost Bob Banks said the future of about 1,200 TAs is uncertain.


Survey: Festive drinking remains

As students finish up their final exams, sell back their books and prepare for the long winter break, chances are a few of them will take part in another semester-ending ritual - drinking.According to a study conducted by the Olin Health Department, the Department of Communication and the Institute for Public Policy & Social Research in 2002, more than 24 percent of students will drink an average 6.2 drinks in celebration of the end of the semester.The study is part of a three-year, $300,000 research project funded by a grant from the Social Norm Research Center to identify whether celebratory drinking is truly a phenomenon on college campuses.Celebration drinking is drinking that involves occasions where there is a climate encouraging students to drink, to drink in excess.


International offices host open house

"Good meatballs" is not the kind of comment one normally would expect to hear in the offices of International Studies and Programs.But the ISP annual Holiday Open House held Wednesday transformed three floors of the International Center from quiet corridors into hallways bustling with festive people, colorful decorations and unique food - lots and lots of food.


Professor discusses Polish Jews Friday

Jewish communities in post-Communist Poland will be discussed Friday afternoon through the Jewish Studies Program. Professor Keely Stauter-Halsted, director of Jewish Studies and professor in the Department of History, will discuss the question of "Polish Jews or Jewish Poles?" in room 113 of Linton Hall.


Area Catholics react to Mass. ruling

Members of the Lansing-area Catholic community are reflecting on the Massachusetts Supreme Court decision that said banning same-sex unions is unconstitutional.During Thanksgiving weekend, Massachusetts Catholic churches read a statement from the state's Catholic Conference regarding same-sex marriages.Now, as the church enters the season of Advent, a period regarded as a time of preparation, Catholic officials are educating their congregations on the issues."Marriage for us is a complementary union," said the Rev.


Center offers free child care before exams

Studying for final exams might be a little easier for MSU students with children, thanks to free childcare services being offered this week.The Spartan Child Development Center, in conjunction with MSU's office of Child and Family Care Resources, is offering the service for student parents looking for a more quiet, focused studying experience.


Alumnus checks for naughty, nice yearly at Meridian Mall

Few people will ever get to know the man behind the beard.Sitting in an oversized red velvet chair and surrounded by Christmas decorations in the Meridian Mall, Dick Slocum remains in character throughout his shift as a jolly representative from the North Pole.Becoming Santa isn't as easy as adorning a red outfit, Slocum said.


Professor lectures about supernova

Coming to a sky near you - Edwin Loh, MSU associate professor of physics and astronomy, will present "Dark Energy, Supernovae and The SOAR Telescope" at Abrams Planetarium at 7:30 p.m.