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High-five for ASMSU

2-day break from stress during fall semester brilliant idea; problems might come up if MSU tries to implement plan

Oh, ASMSU. You've captivated us with your latest bill.

MSU's undergraduate student government has passed a bill in support of two extra days off during fall semester — a fall break. It remains undecided where on the calendar these days will be added.

Its fate now lies in the hands of university officials.

It's a fantastic idea. Love it.

As long as it doesn't extend the amount of days in the semester.

There are a couple of ways this could go. Two days could be added to a weekend near midterms, providing a nice four-day weekend or Thanksgiving break would be extended to a whole week.

Mmm. Both sound delicious.

But when you think about it, it's a choice between two short breaks (spread out through the semester) or one long break only weeks away from winter break.

If there was a mid-semester break, we would not have to begin our Thanksgiving countdowns in September. If there was an entire week of turkey celebrating, it would soften the blow of upcoming exams.

Although time off in any form is welcome (lovingly), the length and timing of these breaks might affect out-of-state and international students the most.

During breaks, it's customary for residence halls to shut down. Students are given an ultimatum to get out by a certain time. If out-of-state or international students couldn't go home during a short fall break, would they be able to stay in the dorms? Or would they be forced to fend for themselves on the streets of East Lansing?

Even if stranded students are permitted to stay, they might be charged per night. It could be costly if they stayed a whole week.

Having an extra break might be more of a hassle than a relaxing vacation.

It's also possible that days will be added to the semester (either earlier or near finals) to compensate for the time off.

Hopefully, ASMSU made sure to get some sort of support from the university so this bill can become a real possibility — instead of our fondest dreams being thrown out as a frivolous endeavor.

Still, it's nice to know ASMSU is looking out for us.


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