Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Make it cool

If the independent commission wants students to party on Bogue Street it needs to entice them

A city-sponsored gathering on Bogue Street sounds about as much fun as a birthday party thrown by mom and dad.

While trying to figure out what students could do following big sports games, the independent commission investigating the April 2-3 disturbances has kicked around the idea of designating a spot on Bogue for celebration and musical performances.

The thought is nice and shows an effort to solve the problems that follow a Spartan win or loss. They are acknowledging that students want to party and the commission wants to ensure it's done safely.

However, there needs to be a more in-depth discussion into this proposal.

For instance, college students aren't children and they don't want to be chaperoned.

If students feel they are being closely monitored or enclosed, they aren't going to want to attend. Police should be present to maintain order but not become a dominant, overbearing force at the celebration.

In reality, students are most likely going to be turned off to a university- or city-sponsored event. The poor attendance of tailgating after new regulations last spring will vouch for that.

The commission needs to make clear what exactly they plan to offer students. Entertainment or well-known bands, for one, would make the party more enjoyable.

Students need to be assured that the party isn't a trap for police to catch underage drinkers. The State News does not promote underage drinking, but it happens, and those who do it shouldn't be preyed upon during a big celebration.

There is an issue of trust on both sides in this matter which should be discussed. Before anything is put in stone, the commission needs to make a serious effort to talk to as many students as they can if this proposal is to be a success.

Students also need to make their opinions known to the commission at the 7 p.m. meeting being held Oct. 26 at an as of yet to be determined location.

If the general consensus is students don't want to attend an organized party, than no one should waste their time with it.


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