Two Dansville High School students face 10 years in prison for tampering with a teacher's food Friday, according to the Ingham County Sheriff's Department.One student told Sheriff's Deputy Tim O'Neill he licked an apple on the teacher's desk, and another said he urinated in a water bottle, which also was on the desk. The suspects are 14 and 15 years old. Sheriff's deputies will seek juvenile petitions for altering food products, a 10-year felony. A 21-year-old female student reported an indecent exposure Monday morning in Lot 89, south of Fee Hall, MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said.The student told police she parked her car in the northwest corner of the lot and noticed a man masturbating in the next parking spot. The man was in an older truck with a white cap over the truck bed. He was an older white male between 45 and 55 years old, with a long gray beard. The student told police she pulled out and left the lot.Shannon Houghton
Police briefs 11/17/04
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