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Top 25 Takers: These Michigan lawmakers accepted the most free meals, trips from lobbyists
Over the last 20 years or so, lobbyists reported spending more than $6.3 million on meals and travel for lawmakers and state officials. Eye On Michigan reviewed the 17,500 transactions that transpired between influencers and legislators from 2001, the first year for which data was available, to 2023, the last full year for which data is available.
Michigan lawmakers feast and fly for free, but the system for tracking freebies is broken
Lobbyists spent millions wining and dining state officials in Michigan, but it is impossible to determine how many freebies lawmakers accepted because the state's system for tracking what influencers give to legislators is flawed, rife with loopholes and relies on the honor system, a year-long Eye On Michigan investigation reveals.
After a whirlwind four years, our goodbye to MSU
In the coming years, we will look back on our time at MSU and know that we are vastly different people because of it. Our time spent bringing you the news might be coming to an end, but there are countless talented student journalists behind us that will keep MSU informed forever.
911 calls depict students desperately trying to barricade in unlocked classrooms during shooting
The audio files obtained by The State News depict callers hearing gunshots from nearby rooms, students inside the terrorized classroom attempting to aid victims and students trying to navigate doors that don’t lock to keep themselves barricaded.
Michigan State baseball comes alive mid-game for win in season home opener
After 17 out-of-state games, Michigan State opened its home season by facing Western Michigan, taking the matchup 8-3.