Sunday, October 6, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Melanie Thomas

Recent Articles


MSU employees' kids come to work

With "passports" in hand and ready to get a view of the real world, children of MSU faculty and staff took over the second floor of the Union on Thursday for the annual Take Your Child to Work Day. Roughly 200 faculty members and their children participated in the event, which introduces children to the workplace, family responsibilities and community involvement, said Jodi Roberto Hancock, education program coordinator for the MSU Women's Resource Center. The national Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day also was Thursday, launched by the Ms. Foundation for Women in 2003. It originally was designed for daughters to explore career options, Roberto Hancock said. "People's values are changing," Roberto Hancock said.


Lansing plays host to 2nd annual pro-choice rally

Posters with pictures of aborted fetuses and some with the words "Students for Choice" adorned the lawn of the Michigan Capitol on Tuesday for the 2nd annual Michigan March for Choice rally. The rally aimed to show legislators that the majority of Michigan voters are pro-choice, said Sarah Scranton, executive director of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of Michigan, one of the groups that sponsored the event. MSU international relations and economics senior Katie Wilcox held pro-life signs with the MSU Students For Life protesting the rally.


Earth Day: Dig into environmental issues

Across the nation, people will be gathering under the umbrella of environmental issues to celebrate the 36th annual Earth Day — to protect, preserve and restore. The State News asked MSU students, professors, area researchers, governmental agencies and environmental groups what the most pressing environmental issues are for Michigan and what students can do to become active. Great Lakes invasive species Two years ago environmental biology and zoology senior Kevin Geyer got a small surprise while he was perch fishing in Saginaw Bay.