Recent Articles
Busy as a bee
Things are as sweet as honey for Zachary Huang, associate professor of entomology. Huang has been working with bees since 1982, but before that, he had never seen a single honeybee.
The cat's meow
During a house call, Lisa Benisek, doctor of veterinary medicine, was asked to sit down and play the piano.
You're a wizard, Harry
If you walked past the rock on Farm Lane this past Saturday, you might have wondered what people were doing running around with brooms and throwing balls at each another.
Struttin' cowgirls
Tiaras and cowboy boots seem an unlikely combination for most people, but not for animal science freshman Starr Ries, who competed in the Miss MSU Rodeo Queen Competition for the first time this past weekend. The MSU Rodeo Club hosted the Spartan Stamapede Rodeo, which started Thursday evening with completing a horsemanship pattern and concluded Saturday evening with the crowning of the queen.