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Case may influence race for prosecutor

Like the economy in the presidential election, this year’s race for the Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office could be defined by one issue: The handling of Claude McCollum’s wrongful murder conviction last year.


Nomadic professor settles at MSU

Jim Pivarnik chose a major popular with many undergraduate students. After several major changes, the kinesiology and epidemiology professor now debunks popular health and physical education myths with his research.


Candidates shape policies, find footing

Some students and experts said John McCain’s political tilt might need to be recalibrated to win the election, as the Republican presidential candidate has cost himself many undecided voters as his views move increasingly to the right. McCain made a name for himself in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate by being a self-annointed “maverick,” opposing his party on key issues and acting in a bipartisan manner.


Police Brief 10/30/08

A tofu heist Oct. 20 on the Snyder-Phillips Hall loading dock left hungry students with no soybean curds, MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said.


Professional practice

Balancing class, work and an internship might seem like a difficult task, but international relations sophomore Ari Ginez said students shouldn’t hesitate to do it. “I’d definitely recommend this — it’s a great experience,” said Ginez, who began interning at the Michigan Department of Information Technology this semester. “It’s definitely a plus when you’re in school but still establishing contacts.”


Law prohibits political gear from voting locations

Voters must leave behind politically motivated buttons, banners and baseball caps when they step inside the voting booth Nov. 4, a Michigan Court of Appeals judge ruled Tuesday. U.S. District Judge Patrick Duggan ruled that the Michigan Secretary of State’s practice of banning campaign paraphernalia within 100 feet of a polling location is acceptable to ensure order at the polls.


Education key issue for Asian American voters

Asian American students believe in the American dream, and that dream can become a reality through education. According to the MSU Office of Admissions, most of MSU’s international students come from Asian countries that could exemplify an emphasis on education in Asian households.


Sale benefits local cat rescue shelter

The weather in Michigan is getting colder, but instead of bundling up, one local organization is focusing on how to protect animals that often are left out in the cold. Mid-Michigan Cat Rescue will be sponsoring a benefit sale from 1-4 p.m. Sunday at photography studio Perspective 2, 319 E. Grand River Ave., in Lansing. MMCR is a nonprofit, volunteer-based shelter that focuses on caring for unwanted cats.


Voters to decide on sale of city's land, parking garage

In addition to voting on statewide issues Nov. 4, East Lansing residents will be able to vote on two proposals the city placed on the general election ballot. The proposals on the ballot are asking for voter approval for the city to be able to sell the land and parking garage beneath the East Lansing Marriott at University Place, 300 M.A.C. Ave., both of which are owned by the city.


Voting parties help students with ballots

MSU students can save money on postage by dropping off their absentee ballot at one of several “voting parties” across campus today. The Roosevelt Institution and the James Madison College Student Senate are hosting the events, which will include information on how to vote and where to vote, as well as mail students’ absentee ballots for free.


MSU improves sexual health ranking

Trojan brand condoms ranked MSU 36th out of 139 colleges in their annual Sexual Health Report Card — up from last year’s 75th spot. The grades rate sexual health resources and services. MSU received a 3.13 grade on a four-point scale, which is ninth in the Big Ten. The State News spoke with Erica Phillipich, sexual health promotion coordinator at Olin Health Center, about MSU’s program.


MSU Pagan group to hold forum tonight

Friday is Halloween, but for followers of Paganism, the day marks the Pagan new year — Samhain. To spread awareness of the holiday, Green Spiral, MSU’s Pagan student organization, will hold an open discussion forum at its general meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Tower Room of the Union.


Future development of bike lanes considered

Students and East Lansing residents might have more of an incentive to get out of their cars and onto their bikes in the upcoming years. The East Lansing City Council received an update on the city’s nonmotorized transportation development plan at its work session Tuesday.


Courses use election to foster discussion

Charles Atkin loves every fourth year. For more than three decades, Atkin, chairman of MSU’s Department of Communication, has taught various versions of a special topics communication course examining how the mass media — more specifically TV — influences voters.


Past offenses might change sentencing

Another charge was added against the suspect in an Oct. 6 assault near Beaumont Tower and West Circle Drive. Jason H. Evans was first charged with felonious assault with a dangerous weapon. The additional charge of unlawful imprisonment was added during a preliminary examination Tuesday in East Lansing’s 54-B District Court.


Descriptions of robbery suspects released

East Lansing police released composite sketches of two suspects involved in the Oct. 14 break-ins at Cedar Village apartments. The suspects are thought to have entered three separate apartments and stolen laptops and other electronics, police said.


Democratic hopeful tries again

Bob Alexander knows what he’s up against. The Democratic candidate for the 8th District’s Congressional seat lost to Republican incumbent U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Brighton, in 2004 and has worked on the campaigns of every Democratic candidate to challenge the congressman since Rogers has been in office. The district is comprised of Clinton, Ingham and Livingston counties, along with parts of Oakland and Shiawassee counties.