ANR Week addresses current issues, upholds long tradition
Regional agriculture enthusiasts will swarm to MSU next week as part of Agriculture and Natural Resources Week.
Regional agriculture enthusiasts will swarm to MSU next week as part of Agriculture and Natural Resources Week.
The greek community banded together last week for its annual Greek Week to benefit the American Cancer Society, raising the second-highest donation in Greek Week history.
Even in the 21st century, there is one part of civilization that needs integrating. At the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science, or AAAS, in February, MSU integrative studies professor Jon Miller and academics from around the world spoke at a symposium about the Chicago Council for Science and Technology, or C2ST.
A vacant corner of the Abbot and Lake Lansing roads likely will have a very different look in the future after it was rezoned to a retail business district Tuesday.
East Village-area property owners upset about a recent Lansing State Journal letter to the editor by an East Lansing official had their say Tuesday at the East Lansing City Council meeting.
A University of Michigan hockey player’s father will not face charges stemming from a confrontation with an MSU player after a January game in Ann Arbor.
The academic calendar survey and good manners were the main topics of discussion at Tuesday’s Executive Committee of Academic Council meeting. A version of the survey that was sent to faculty earlier this year about the academic calendar is now available to students via the ANGEL homepage, said Deborah Moriarty, a professor in the College of Music and a member of ECAC.
MSU alumnus Sam Hogg is an example of putting knowledge gained at MSU to real world use. Hogg, a 2008 graduate, launched his brainchild, online gift card kiosk, late last year after dreaming up the idea in a supply chain management class taught by professor Steven Melnyk.
Two teams within MSU’s Debate Team qualified to participate in the National Debate Tournament, which is set to be held at the University of Texas in Austin. At least two teams from MSU have qualified to compete for the last 12 years. They have won the title twice.
Some students don’t think twice about participating in bar crawls, partying or drinking during spring break, but people going on an Alternative Spring Break, or ASB, will abstain from alcohol this year.
Students venturing outside the U.S. this spring break should be especially careful not to leave one thing behind: a concern for safety, cautioned the U.S. Department of State.
Throughout his life, Don Ausman spent his time working to better the lives of those less fortunate than he. Now a month after his death, Ausman’s family is continuing the MSU senior’s mission of volunteerism with the creation of the Don Ausman Foundation. The foundation has established a fund to help MSU students pay for trips to participate in Alternative Spring Break, a program in which Ausman was heavily involved.
MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon and two other in-state university presidents will testify to the importance of higher education before Michigan legislators today, less than a month after Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s proposed 3 percent cut in funding for MSU.
About 1,900 people gathered Monday at Wharton Center to hear ethologist, evolutionary biologist and controversial author Richard Dawkins present the first sold-out lecture in the history of MSU’s World View Lecture Series.
Using a unique mentoring program, MSU education specialists helped the Lansing School District prevent first-year teachers from quitting — a trend often seen in urban areas.
For almost 15 years, they have set up the lights, rolled film and made people across campus laugh. “Sideshow,” a sketch comedy show broadcast by MSU Telecasters, is celebrating the release of its 30th episode. The show has been entirely student-run since its creation in 1994.
Riots, rezoning and site plans are just a few of the items that will appear on the East Lansing City Council’s meeting agenda tonight, scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in Courtroom 2 of 54-B District Court, 101 Linden St.
Students and faculty can get a glimpse into Michigan’s economic future Wednesday when economics professor Charles Ballard gives a lecture at Fairchild Theatre. “Michigan’s Economic Future is Not an Oxymoron: Confessions of an MSU Economist,” is the second installment of ASMSU’s Last Lecture Series.
A 19-year-old female student reported nearly $700 worth of clothing stolen after a Wonders Hall employee took them to be washed, MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said.
It’s the university’s fastest-growing expense, costing more than $300,000 per day. Health care for university faculty and staff costs MSU more than $110 million per year and is increasing about 9 percent every year.