Friday, October 18, 2024

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News | Msu


Picket held to quicken GEU negotiations

After picketing for five hours, Jessica Goodkind and her sign needed a break.Both of them looked tired.Goodkind, president of MSU’s Graduate Employees Union, had been marching since 7:30 a.m.


U hosts civil rights leader

Although Dorothy Cotton is not as well known as some of her male counterparts, George Rowan can’t wait to hear the civil rights leader speak on campus today.


V-Week celebration begins with art, awareness

The cast of “The Vagina Monologues” transformed from actors to artists with paintbrushes, chalk and markers to draw vaginas. ASMSU Women’s Council sponsored the event to kick off V-Week, the week of the play’s opening at the Auditorium’s Fairchild Theatre.


ASMSU assemblies find increase in applications

Monday marked ASMSU’s election application deadline, and the collected number of applications for the undergraduate student government are up slightly from last year.ASMSUofficials tallied about 23 Student Assembly applicants and 15 Academic Assembly applicants at the 5 p.m.


Latin groups performances shine in talent show

A performance of Brazilian martial art in the form of a dance Friday night featured a group of four students symbolizing the actions of indigenous Latinos and slaves who sought to overthrow their masters.Brandon Mauro, an East Asian languages and cultures sophomore, participated in the dance, known as Capoeira, during Latin Explosion, the talent show sponsored by Culturas de las Razas Unidas.Mauro said the event helped open people’s eyes to Latino culture.“It’s important so people get more exposure and a better understanding,” he said.


ASMSU calendar to list events

A 4-foot-long and 3-foot-wide events calendar was put on the wall outside 307 Student Services by ASMSU, the undergraduate student government. The $130 calendar will post all ASMSU Student and Academic assembly events.


Political speaker sparks racial debate at ASMSU

A debate concerning racism arose during ASMSU’s Student Assembly meeting on Thursday during a vote to fund a presentation by a political speaker who is anti-affirmative action.The undergraduate student government assembly unanimously voted to allot $2,948 for the appearance of David Horowitz, who will speak on campus in March about his experiences with student activism.Crystal Price, Student Assembly’s Black Student Alliance representative, left the meeting after more than an hour of debate about the speaker.Price said she is against funding Horowitz because of his anti-affirmative action beliefs.


U hosts global warming program

Folk music played softly Friday in Conrad Hall as the lecture hall filled with more people than it usually holds.The hall housed the beginnings of “Turn Down the Heat,” a weekend-long conference on global warming organized by ECO, a student organization concerned with environmental issues.Booths lined the lobby with representatives from groups such as Washington, D.C.-based Power Shift, who enthusiastically told its audiences about issues such as alternative energy and the effect of global warming on beer - humidity and parasites from the higher temperatures can ruin the quality.“We had scientists look into it,” said Power Shift member Mark von Topel.


Wireless Western has U wondering about benefits

Last fall, MSU finished wiring students on campus to Ethernet. This spring, students at Western Michigan University went wire-free. Phase one of the Wireless Western project was completed last week, giving the university’s core campus in Kalamazoo Internet access from anywhere. The new system will serve as a supplement to the standard Internet cable connection in most buildings about Western’s campus.


Gardens open for use

The Garden Project, sponsored by the Greater Lansing Food Bank, allows area residents to have their own garden and grow any kind of annual produce, from tomatoes to watermelons. “The idea came out of the 1982 recession when all the GM workers were out of work,” said Bob Kirkby, a coordinator for The Garden Project.


Varicella vaccine is useful to students

An Emmons Hall resident was diagnosed with varicella, commonly known as chickenpox, last Friday. Emmons Hall residence director Glen Midkiff said the student went to Olin Health Center Friday after noticing a rash.


Catholics prepare for Easter

Each year Amy Frazier tries to give up something for Lent. And each year, she forgets to stick to her choice. “I’m giving up chocolate this year,” the education sophomore said.


Speech to empower women

Maria Zavala suffered second- and third-degree burns on her face and hands last November in an accident involving a gas stove. For Zavala, a community organizer for the Chicano Development Center in Lansing, said she hopes discussing the accident will help strengthen women in the community when she speaks at Saturday’s Dia de la Mujer Conference. “I am pretty scarred, and it’s very visible,” said Zavala, one of the conference’s founders.