Saturday, October 19, 2024

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News | Msu


'U' to review dorm security

MSU has formed a group to review residence hall security measures on campus. Director of University Housing Angela Brown, Residence Halls Association President Tim Liss and MSU police Capt.


Iraq tensions topic of forum

The MSU Office of the President, the Office of the Provost and ASMSU, MSU's undergraduate student government, are sponsoring a "Presidential Forum on Iraq" at 7 p.m.


New program to hold lecture

MSU's new Peace and Justice Studies program will sponsor a lecture at 3 p.m. Friday in B-104 Wells Hall. The keynote speaker is Hans Joas, director of the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, at the University of Erfurt in Germany. Joas also is a sociology professor at the University of Chicago and will speak on his book, "War and Modernity." "We hope to have an important scholar come every year," philosophy Professor Richard Peterson said.


ASMSU fires Web site developer

The ASMSU director of technology has been fired in the middle of a redesign of the organization's Web site. Officials for MSU's undergraduate student government said David Wilson was let go because he failed to show up for work at the beginning of the semester. Wilson was hired as the director of technology in October.


State News takes first in general excellence

The State News took first place in general excellence in Division I of the Michigan Collegiate Press Association's College Newspaper Contest. It's the second year the newspaper competed in the contest.


Chicano history issues discussed by activist

Activist Amado Balderas will be speaking about Chicano and Latino studies Thursday in Wilson Hall. Balderas, a high school history teacher in Texas, contributed to the creation of El Sexto Sol de MEChA at the University of Texas-Pan American. Balderas will be speaking from 7-8:30 p.m.


Sorority raises money for legal defense fund

The women of Delta Sigma Theta want people to open their pockets. The sorority recently began fund-raising efforts to assist the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc. to aid residents of the small town of Tulia, Texas. Last summer, 46 Tulia, Texas residents were arrested as part of a drug sting conducted by a special police officer brought in by the Cochran County Police Department. Of those arrested, 40 were black, three were Mexican, and three were whites in interracial relationships. According to the video, the officer had no tangible evidence to convict the citizens, except for his handwriting on his leg that he wrote during a drug deal. "I was surprised that they didn't have any evidence against them, and the only thing they had was him writing on his leg," merchandising management sophomore Glenda Olivache said. Standing in front of the room handing out brochures and pledge sheets, social relations senior Malaika Ward urged everyone to persuade as many people as they can to donate money. "And what's the word we're going to use?" asked Ward, social action chair for the sorority. "Tax-deductible," the audience responded in unison. Several residents are still incarcerated.


Faculty to be awarded today at ceremony

Communication professor Frank Boster wishes his mentors could see him receive his Distinguished Faculty Award. "I wish they had been around to see that the time they invested in me wasn't a waste," Boster said, remembering his former MSU professors who recently died.


Glitch delays launch of new e-mail system

A new MSU e-mail Web site has been delayed due to a glitch in the software, computer lab officials said.The system, which would make Telnet e-mail access obsolete, will hopefully be launched before spring break, interim computer lab director Tom Davis said.Davis said the system's problem arose last week and needs to be fixed before students and faculty can access their revamped e-mail accounts.


FBI, police agencies appear at career fair

The School of Criminal Justice is hosting its annual career fair from 5-8 p.m. Tuesday in Big Ten Rooms A and B in Kellogg Center. The fair is sponsored by the American Criminal Justice Association, Alpha Phi Sigma and the Criminal Justice Honor Society in collaboration with the school.


Community gathers to fight cancer

Plaid shirts, cowboy hats and blue jeans adorned members of the Ramsey family as they walked around the concourse of Munn Ice Arena this weekend to raise money for cancer research.Physiology sophomore Ross Ramsey watched his family in the third annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life.