Sunday, October 20, 2024

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News | Msu


'U' finds energy source

Computers powered by fire might seem like science fiction dreams, but with chemistry Professor Mercouri Kanatzidis' work, these dreams aren't far off. Kanatzidis discovered a thermoelectric material that takes energy waste from objects such as engines and turns it into useable electricity.


Diagnostic Center won't open on time

Construction scheduled to have been completed today on The Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health has been delayed. The center, located at the southwest corner of Beaumont and Forest roads, is now undergoing finishing touches by the Lansing-based Granger Construction Co. Ownership will be transferred from the state of Michigan to MSU after completion, which should be sometime before the start of the fall semester. "It has been an incredible construction cycle and Granger has done an excellent job in developing a great project," said Ann Beaujean, director of state relations in MSU's Office of the Vice President for Governmental Affairs.


Officials fight spread of flu

The stomach flu infecting 93 students in six University of Michigan residence halls is unlikely to travel to MSU, an East Lansing expert says. Dele Davies, chairman of MSU's Department of Pediatrics and Human Development, said there are two primary kinds of gastroenteritis, or the stomach flu: Norovirus and rotavirus.


Professor's debate to focus on abortion, law

With states across the nation evaluating legislation regarding same-sex marriages, the MSU-DCL College of Law Students' Chapter of the Federalist Society will host a debate this week regarding the issue with guest speakers Andrew Koppelman and Lynn Wardle.


ASMSU committee to look at salary raise

ASMSU's Academic Assembly chairpersons will receive the same salaries as Student Assembly chairpersons if a bill to increase their wages passes at the next general assembly meeting.


'U' law students win national tax challenge

MSU-DCL College of Law student Melissa Bridges and alumnus Matthew Rockey-Hawley won the American Bar Association's Annual Law Student Tax Challenge, said Michele Halloran, clinical professor of law and faculty coach for the competition. More than 40 law schools, all American Bar Association accredited, entered the national competition, which tests participants' tax-preparation knowledge.


Relevance of history topic of 'U' lectures

History is still relevant, say organizers of a new community lecture series that begins Thursday. Thomas Bender of New York University will open the series "Why History Matters: Rethinking History in a Global Age," 7:30 p.m.


Children's well-being issue of foundation

Students interested in helping children's health in the global community can check out a new group whose goal is just that. Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children meets at 8:30 p.m., every other Wednesday in B102 Wells Hall.


RHA organizer draws acts

Event planners are busy people. They work long hours with a cell phone glued to an ear, trying to organize conventions or lectures and keep everyone happy in the process. This one is a junior, majoring in general business administration and pre-law. Eric Bolf is the director of special events for the Residence Halls Association.


$3M project up for vote

The MSU Board of Trustees will vote on several university building renovations Friday, including a $3 million addition to the Cyclotron structure. If the contract for the renovation is passed, construction for the 13,000 square-foot addition will begin shortly after the board meeting, said University Engineer Bob Nestle.


Brightest & Best

With 50 to 100 e-mails a day clogging her inbox, Pam Whitten was surprised when she opened an e-mail from the American Medical Women's Association that she thought was spam.


Olin series to inform women on importance of staying healthy

Olin Health Center is coordinating a month-long series of events to address women's healthy sexuality during February. It's the second women's healthy sexuality month at MSU, and was developed by Olin health educators to inform MSU women about the importance of gynecological exams and keeping their bodies healthy physically as well as sexually. "There were some needs in the area of women's sexuality, such as pap smears," Olin Health Center health educator Dennis Martell said.


Big Ten student government association to be redesigned

Because of general dissatisfaction with the structure of the Association of Big Ten Students, representatives from MSU's undergraduate student government said they plan to help reshape the organization. The association holds semi-annual conferences for student governments at Big Ten schools.