Monday, October 21, 2024

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News | Msu


'U' to receive $3M grant for police training

MSU will receive a $3 million dollar grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in order to set up national training sessions on how to analyze and use intelligence information. The grant, which was announced today by U.S.


APASO welcomes new students

A bright sun, big smiles, and fragrant flowers all accompanied the Asian Pacific American Student Organization Welcome Reception Monday night in the Horticulture Demonstration Gardens. With a new year comes new students with new perspectives, and last night Korean Students United, Vietnamese Student Association, Alpha Kappa Delta Phi and other organizations all set up booths to welcome the fresh crop of students. "Asian Americans need a voice in the MSU community, we don't have a distinctive voice yet," said Matt Wong, a finance junior and a racial ethnic student aide in Bailey Hall who overlooked the Pi Alfa Phi booth.


Despite conflict ASMSU to host Sept. conference

A year after an ASMSU representative proposed breaking ties completely with the Association of Michigan Universities, MSU will host the association's quarterly conference this September. Last September, Academic Assembly representative Adam Raezler argued against ASMSU's alliance with AMU.


ASMSU changes policy, opens seats to students

In an effort to fill Academic Governance system seats, ASMSU's Academic Assembly is opening the 34 student spots to all undergraduate students. There are nine Academic Governance committees within Academic Council that have seats for student representatives.


Board rejects amendment

Both supporters and opponents of the Michigan Marriage Amendment said they were surprised at the Michigan Board of State Canvassers' decision to reject a petition against gay marriage.


Tech experts add features to ANGEL, provide anti-virus CD for students

MSU's Academic Computing and Network Services have upgraded a computer program and released a protection CD for quality and safe computer use at MSU. ANGEL, or A New Global Environment for Learning, has added more features and programs designed to make the program easier to operate. The program underwent an upgrade from 6.0 to 6.1 last week.


1st week blitz welcomes students back

Activities such as Meijer's Midnight Madness shopping spree, the Spartan Spirit pep rally and U-Fest pushed students out of their rooms and into the community during Welcome Week. Last week, MSU and local businesses united to help students become acquainted with campus and its surrounding area. "It's good getting out and having something to do," elementary education freshman Jenny Hurst said. At Spartan Stadium on Thursday, the Spartan Spirit pep rally worked to rev up the crowd.


Games promote nutrition, raise doubts

Kari Pierce has her doubts about an attempt by MSU Extension to promote nutrition through computer programs. The Lansing mother and Extension participant said that while learning about nutrition is important, MSU's new computer game, the "Fantastic Food Challenge", might not work as well as expected.


Party members strive to get student vote

Even if MSU legally satisfies federal legislation requiring every student to have access to voter registration materials, both Republicans and Democrats want to see more done at the university level to get students involved in the upcoming election.


Chevy Tahoes possible replacement for 'U' police squad's Ford vehicles

MSU police officers might be sporting new rides next year if a possible deal to replace their current squad cars with Chevy Tahoes is worked out. The current fleet of 13 marked Ford Crown Victorias, have leases that expire at the end of the year, would be replaced by the larger sport utility vehicles when they become available.


'U' safeguards against risk

MSU police will conduct its second phase of emergency preparedness Wednesday morning during a full-scale mock disaster exercise on campus. About a dozen officials know exactly where the drill will take place - so responders such as MSU police, East Lansing Fire Department, the Office of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Safety and other local units will be able to test readiness. "We want to test our preparedness, response function and our ability to recover from whatever may happen so we can make sure we have the proper planning procedures," MSU police Lt.


Debate documentary to air Sept. 1

Based on the premise that a sport is defined as any type of intense competition, the College Sports Television cable network created a one-hour long documentary based on the 58th National Debate Tournament, which MSU won earlier this year. With CNN news anchor Aaron Brown as the host, the film premieres on Sept.


Enrollment down in business program

Enrollment in MSU's Executive Masters of Business Administration program has gone down over the last five years, while many of the nation's schools have seen steady enrollment, university officials said. MSU saw a drop of almost five students per year on average in its EMBA program. And nationwide, more than three-fourths of responding Masters of Business Administration programs reported a decline in applications, according to a recent Graduate Management Admission Council survey, although MSU's figures have remained relatively steady. Also, 25 percent less students took the GMAT test for admission into business school than in 2002. "Given that the number of people who've taken the GMAT is down, there is a smaller pool of students," said John Delaney, associate dean for MBA Programs with the Eli Broad Graduate School of Management. This limited number of candidates means universities in the top 10 of national business programs can syphon away students from MSU, he said.


Chemistry demos might suffer

Students taking chemistry classes this fall won't get to see as many demonstrations as their predecessors, because chemistry demonstrator Sheldon Knoespel will no longer be experimenting. Knoespel, who was in the position for 14 years, was responsible for doing all the demonstrations in different chemistry classes that emphasized what was being taught in the classroom.