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"Corpse Bride" is Tim Burton at his best
Victor Van Dort didn't know what he was getting into when he placed a wedding ring on a twig in a graveyard and accidentally proposed to a dead woman.
Powwow date causes stress
Students planning the Pow-wow of Love for February 2005 say raising funds is especially stressful this year because the event is being held a month earlier than usual.
'U' updates snow-clearing plan
This winter, a newly designed snow-removal plan is aiming to help students with disabilities effectively make their way around campus. The plan includes adding two new MSU grounds maintenance staff members and earlier snow-removal shifts.
International students win essay contest
Judith Njogu smiles at strangers since her arrival to the United States from Nairobi, Kenya. In Kenya, people are friendly and hospitable only after having their initial introduction, said Njogu, a medical technology and premedical senior.
Group provides support for transgender students
Providing a support system for transgender individuals is the primary focus of a new campus group established this semester. Phi Tau Mu, the Greek letters FTM in English, stands for "Female to Male" and allows those in the transgender community to hold serious discussions about issues they deal with on a daily basis. There are five members in the group who have formed a brotherhood and understand each other on levels other people cannot, said T.J.