Monday, October 21, 2024

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News | Msu


New tailgate locations suggested in forum

Ever think about opening up the IM Sports-East field to tailgating? Students thought it was a good idea Monday night. Student leaders and university officials gathered in Wonders Hall Kiva to respond to students' questions on the future of tailgating. The ASMSU-sponsored town hall meeting attracted only six students, leaving Andrew Schepers, Student Assembly chairperson and forum moderator, questioning if students are as passionate about tailgating as MSU's undergraduate student government. "It shows the apathy of the student body," he said.


WEB ONLY: 'Real World' cast member informs students about amendment, encourages voting

"Real World Philadelphia" cast member Karamo Brown urged students to vote for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry and to vote no on the amendment that would ban gay marriage Tuesday at the Wonders Hall Kiva. As part of National Coming Out Days, the event, sponsored by the MSU Stonewall Democrats, the Multi-Racial Unity Living Experience and Same Gender Loving Students of Color International and Allies touched on issues affecting different social groups. "We are all different and beautiful," Brown said.


WEB ONLY: Sen. Levin argues for 'change of direction' in Iraq during campus visit

With his glasses sitting dangerously close to the tip of his nose, U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., leaned over the lectern in the Wilson Hall Auditorium on Monday and told students that the situation in Iraq is grave and a change of direction is necessary. "When we attacked Iraq, we blew the top off the boiling Iraqi pot without a plan to keep the pot from boiling over," the Michigan Democrat told about 200 students.


RHA talks with student group

The Residence Halls Association, or RHA, considered expanding its agenda to include the Student Greenhouse Project at an internal affairs meeting Friday. The new section of the agenda would allow for RHA-sponsored groups to give reports to the association during meetings. "If groups we support have complaints, this is also where we could talk about them," Committee Chairman Thomas Edwards said.


'U' celebrate heritage

A repeated boom echoed down Farm Lane as four men passionately beat against a drum in unison and sang traditional American Indian songs with a large crowd following closely behind. Indigenous People's Day is a time when MSU students and alumni acknowledge the plight of their American Indian ancestors instead of the presence of Christopher Columbus on North American land. "We can't celebrate a murderer such as Columbus as a hero," Culturas de las Razas Unidas and Movimiento Estudiantil Xicano de Aztlan member Isaias Delgadillo said.


ASMSU looks to quiet cell phones in class

Sometimes it's a Nelly tone, and others it's a classic melody. Either way, it's an annoyance that ASMSU might look to change. At its Academic Assembly meeting Tuesday, MSU's undergraduate student government briefly discussed cell-phone use in the classroom and might draft a bill to address those students who let their phones ring. "It's like when you listen to a CD and it skips - it's an awkward moment in class and ruins the flow," said Kyle Martin, a representative for the College of Communication Arts and Sciences.


Wireless Internet to be unveiled at Main Library

By early next week, students studying in the Main Library will be able to log their computers onto wireless Internet anywhere on the first floor and on the second and fourth floors of the west wings. The wireless Internet will be unveiled later this week as part of the university's wireless beta service, which means the service is still being tested.


Jews celebrate reading of Torah

The sounds of laughter and joyous singing mixed with the footsteps of students dancing in celebration of Simchat Torah. The festivities took place in the basement of the Hillel Jewish Student Center Thursday night.


Students question implementation of tailgate guidelines

Students expressed concern about how tailgate restrictions on drinking games and overcrowding at the Wilson tennis courts will be enforced. Concerned students spoke at a South Complex forum on Thursday to vent their frustrations and give suggestions to student leaders. The current ban includes beer bongs, roulette wheels, boards or tables to set up a table-top tennis game called "beer pong" and other accessories for drinking games.


McPherson to advocate study abroad

MSU President M. Peter McPherson was appointed Monday to head a national study abroad commission that will grant scholarships and aim to increase participation in study abroad programs at universities across the country. McPherson said the appointment, which was bipartisanly supported by members of the U.S.


ASMSU to discuss tailgating in forum

ASMSU leaders are urging students to show up and make recommendations for safe tailgating at town hall meetings next week. MSU's undergraduate student government will answer questions concerning recent tailgating restrictions at 7 p.m.


Former secretary of labor talks to students about Kerry, jobs

Robert Reich fired up a small group of John Kerry supporters outside Beaumont Tower Thursday. Reich, who served as secretary of labor under former president Bill Clinton, told about 25 people why he endorses the Democratic presidential candidate. "I have known John Kerry for 25 years, and I know he will make a terrific president," Reich said.


Board to discuss state funding

Funding for the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, MSU Extension and building renovations will be discussed on Friday when the MSU Board of Trustees meets to consider parameters for next year's state appropriations. The 2005-06 fiscal year recommendations are particularly important to plan for in light of shrinking state funds and last year's budget discussions, university officials said. President-designate Lou Anna Simon said receiving adequate funding is important to keep MSU's programs on track. "State appropriations support teaching research and outreach functions at the university," Simon said.


ASMSU unable to act on new college proposal

Members of ASMSU's Academic Assembly failed to pass a bill Tuesday to recommend a delay of the new residential college set to reside in Snyder and Phillips halls. After an hour and a half of debate and several revisions to the bill, some members questioned the assembly's effectiveness. "This was our problem last year," said Brian Forest, representative for the College of Arts & Letters.