Saturday, October 5, 2024

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MSU sophomore breeds and raises pet snakes

They’re not needy. They don’t give a shit if I pick them up or not They’re great wingmen and wing ladies. I get attention and phone numbers. I walked into American Apparel with this girl around me to pull a prank on the cashier I was hoping to catch a clerk that’s not paying attention, writing some papers, and then she’d look up and see a snake and maybe shit herself First of all, you normally isolate the snakes.They’re non-communal, they don’t like to live together You put the male and female in the same enclosure briefly and wait for them to link up


MSU professor balances law and passion for poetry

Brian Gilmore; Author of We Didn’t Know Any Gangsters (Third Collection of his poetry); MSU Professor of Law since 2010 When I got to college that’s when I wanted to write poetry. "I have always been interested in words, but really it was this teacher who said nice things about my writing and said it might be something I want to try. That's why I do what I do." “When I got done with this advocacy work, I realized I didn’t want to just write, but I wanted to be a citizen. I wanted to help out and actually try to make change and involve myself in this process.” “Music is really important for what I do,” he said. “Poets always say poetry is like music itself. We say the words are on the page and on the stage.” "I really have a great love for words," he said. "It’s hard to say what’s the best about writing other than knowing that people saw your work and appreciate your dedication to art; there’s a lot to say about that." “The message is the whole notion of loss of community. To a certain degree, I feel like a lot of cities have lost that sense of community where you had a family, but your larger family was within the neighborhood.” New book is more of a personal collection than my first first book was more political and cultural related and the second book was about Jazz, Duke Ellington band This is more personal about growing up, my parents lives, neighborhood etc. “There’s something about growing up in D.C. It was a lot of fun, but it was also very mischievous kind of living. I think all writing is personal, there’s just degrees to it. I started this book many years ago and then got interrupted and started writing some other stuff (fiction, nonfiction, did some freelance journalism) Always said I would come back to it and finish it Went to Frostburg State College In the first book....I became a student activist; a big issue in my time was Nelson Mandela and South Africa; really big issues when I was in college, and a lot of us were involved in that It was an experience that I think shaped me in a lot of ways...being from DC from the urban setting I’ve been influenced by a lot of different things like music (jazz and African American music forms) It’s interesting because poetry is different...publishing houses don’t publish that much poetry (go through the small presses) Publishers might extend you an invitation...sent manuscript to this place in Maryland (knew someone there) Manuscript had been rejected a few times...this was the last shot! “I did say that”....Wayne State had strong interest in it but then at the last second they passed on it It must have been rejected about a dozen times by different contests and presses...mostly small presses I was just going to move on and do different writing projects Progressive Media Project...write on any topic you want and they take it if they want...election, abortion, anything Doing that for about 11 years...out of Wisconsin, affiliated with the Progressive magazine (more drawn to the historical/cultural pieces, things like that...did a piece on Maya Angelou, poverty, etc.) Used to do a lot of freelance journalism, wrote for the progressive, wrote for the Washington Post a few times, used to review new books for the Post, write for small weeklies in D.C. My law comes out of my student activism. I went towards law because of my desire to be an advocate on issues and it took off from there. Got to MSU in 2010...Howard University studying law and got recruited out here His first book is more cultural and politics of music and society Always been influenced by music...his brother has the most influence (musician), parents listened to a lot of jazz (Duke Ellington and Miles Davis), my brother listened to a lot of funk, R&B soul music, in the city.... it was a big deal Still doing some poetry every now and then...get invited to talk at law schools to talk about issues Go back to DC he goes to talk to class...American University talking to students interested in writing Social and political policy work right now, as well as short stories.... there’s always the “next” project and you are always a little bit ahead of yourself The big thing was divestment movement...trying to get universities to divest their assets from South African government and stop dealing with SA...students organized around that...long tradition of student activism This is what really drove me to law school, I wanted to be able to write, but also be involved


Theatre freshmen get the chance to prove themselves

Mike Merluzzi; Freshman; Theatre Major "The overarching goal is for most of the faculty to step back and wee what we can do on our own at this point in our careers, so they know what we are building off of, and what we can build onto." "I really want to show how well I can work and have people say, 'If he can bring this to a freshman showcase, what can he bring to a fully-mounted season production?'" "I think one of the coolest things about the show is that we all come from different schools and teachings, so it's a very unique blend. We are bringing a collaboration of different styles and techniques that we have learned previously before adopting the MSU style and approach." There are songs and poems read between the scenes, all of which were selected by it shows our ability to devise scripts in a way and almost design the music that would go along with a show On another level, we have all taken on design positions...designing the show on our own with a technical director, but all of the designs, sets, lights, and other things are done completely by the freshmen Play was written by Dionne O’Dell, our director. It was written a few years back. The premiere of her show! We added in the music and the poems. “She came to us with a script that we really brought to life and enhanced it in a sense for what we needed.” This performance helps us show what we are capable of in a performance setting You always want to impress, that’s what your ultimate goal is! This is our first, technical departmental show of the season Our director wrote the script, short of that we get limited amount of assistance in technical areas as far as meeting with the technical director of MSU and the head of light. It is interesting in the fact that we have it double casted. Each character is casted twice and there will be two different nights, I think that makes each show unique in a sense. Sidney Anderson; Freshman; Theatre Major "It was a very interesting opportunity because I feel like every element of theatre was involved and whatever you wanted to display as your talent, you were able to." "I think it really opened our eyes to who we will be working with for the next couple years of our lives," she said. "It not only gets us excited for the future, but it gets everyone in the department excited for what they have to work with." Basically we have a show, and then on the outskirts of the show, we have small little acts of talent such as singing and a few poems, rapper, ukulele and guitar It’s just to show off the real talent of everyone that’s coming in She is the sound crew head I think the people in the show have really brought it to life and made it our own. I think our personalities really show through and that’s what really brought it to life! On the surface it seems like it’s a joke, but on the inside it displays a really serious it’s like a comedic way of saying that fame and your desire for fame and power kills you Whether it’s your first year in the program or your first year at the university, it’s very easy to get involved with the showcase We have some girls that are juniors that just changed their major and they wanted to be part of the showcase because they couldn’t audition for the shows (FRESHMAN TO THE PROGRAM) This is all of our first theatre department show This performance means the beginning of an awesome four years and it opens so many doors and opportunities for all of us I think that being in this you make lifelong connections and friends and you really set yourself at a high bar with your performance and your ability to work with other people here, so now my peers and my director know me, know how to work with me. It just establishes you in the’s your first rendezvous and establishing yourself in the program.


Two MSU students' documentaries honored in East Lansing Film Festival Elizabeth DeCesare; Senior; HPS: History, philosophy and sociology of science (Lymann Briggs major) Took a senior seminar within the Lyman Briggs college and we had to create a film of our choice...something controversial sort of debunking it (or a thirty day project where you “lived the life” "I am honored. Being a part of that movie building experience and having someone watch your film and find some meaning out of it is great.” “Obviously social media is a huge part of our lives, but to let it take over our lives is where we have conflict." “This is a great opportunity to give students sort of this leg up in the East Lansing community. It’s so exciting that our student film was chosen and that they thought it was a new and upcoming topic that people would be interested in.” Her and three others and put into a group in the seminar Michelle editor Ashley Staley...cinematographer Bartosz Gawarecki....MOF Director (Making of our Film) LB 492....Run by Dr. Luckie Had to submit the film to the festival as a requirement Took this class over the summer...found out in August or beginning of September On top of doing the experiment, we did a vlog everyday about what they were feeling and the impact of not using our social media and you can really see our progression which is really fascinating (not unbearable, to having really bad days where we need “you can really see the progression which is really fascinating because we go from being fine within the first couple of days, to having horrible days where we needed to contact other people. And how the impact of not At the end of the film we challenge people to put their phones away, go outside and do something “Obviously social media is a huge part of our lives, but to let it take over our lives is where we have conflict. I see people today who can’t sit at a dinner with their friends without checking their phone five times.” 15 days without social media...took us about 2.5 weeks to put it together Had to build a trailer for the film as well I thought that I got really lucky with my group...we worked together beautiful everyone brought together all of their knowledge to build this film into what it became. I used to do plays and musicals since I was young as I can remember. And that has always been a love of mine. Movies are something that that my family and me really enjoy and are captivated by. To be able to be a part of that movie building experience is great. Hoping to go to graduate and become a speech pathologist....maybe in recreational film. That would be really cool. Syazana Amirulmokminin; Senior; Media and information; Concentration in film, radio, TV also studying Anthropology as well My film is about race and people identify themselves like for Asian-Americans, whether they identify as Asian or American and how their family and the community has affected this 5-minutes, short documentary Spring semester...taking senior research methods class for anthropology so it was a 400 level class...have to do research paper and interview people and decided to do a documentary Entered into a lot film rejected by a ton. Got accepted into the East Lansing Film Festival, the Made in Michigan Film Festival, and the Philadelphia Asian America Film Festival (sponsors are Comcast and HBO) "I've always been interested in photography, but I don't like taking still pictures. I wanted to do something more dynamic I guess." “It’s really weird for me because I have not been doing this for a long time. All of this kind of just fell into my lap.” I want to go into the film industry so it might help with that "For me, it's just about getting a feel for what the industry is like, specifically the what the culture of these film festivals is like. It feels awesome and overwhelming, but this opportunity inspires me to improve." Saw how people interacted with each other with different races and classes...born in Singapore, came to the US when she was 9 or 10 years old 


Face time with Shalee Blackmer, MSU student and travel blogger

By Meagan Beck At the age of 18, she traveled to Australia alone to stay with a foreign exchange student friend.  She created "The Michigan Bucket List" on her blog which has acquired more than 175,000 views.  Advertising junior Shalee Blackmer has a case of wanderlust and The State News talked to her about her blog, past adventures and what she has planned for the future.  The State News: When did you start your blog, "Shalee Wanders," and where did the idea come from? Shalee Blackmer: I started my blog on Feb of this year, 2014 after last October I joined a website called glypho and created a blog on how to go to NYC for New Years on a budget.