Recent Articles
Students and faculty take action for the #BlackLivesMatter campaign
Many students and faculty took campus by storm recently with multiple die-ins and marches in response to various national cases pertaining to police brutality against black males.
MLK march and conference highlights progress left to be made
As many as 350 people marched and congregated at Beaumont Tower. The march featured special guest Henry James Thomas, who was one of the original Freedom Riders in 1961. “I’m so happy that you don’t have to fight those battles now, but the ones I’ve told you about, you have to fight them,” Thomas said. “We’ve come a long way, but as the good doctor said, ‘not quite enough.’”
MLK has influenced today's student activism
Peaceful doesn’t always mean quiet. There are many ways to get messages across, and whether it’s through lying down in the middle of traffic or simply yelling, MSU students have displayed a familiar way of protesting – peacefully.
Campus activists look to semester ahead, continuing dialogues
With spring semester starting, feelings of unrest continue to resonate with some students.
Students protest for Michael Brown, Eric Garner by lying down on Grand River Avenue
Stopping traffic more than four times, swarms of students protested for one purpose – to “shut shit down.” As many as 250 students protested with signs and unified chants on Grand River Avenue, at the Breslin Center, the Student Union and the Main Library.