Column: My moped was stolen, this is my story
"There I was on Sep, 16, blissfully unaware of what was to come next. I stepped out of the Communication Arts and Sciences Building to find Zippy, my moped of three years, gone."
"There I was on Sep, 16, blissfully unaware of what was to come next. I stepped out of the Communication Arts and Sciences Building to find Zippy, my moped of three years, gone."
It only makes sense that city editor Griffin Wiles and cops and courts reporter Wajeeha Kamal would write a double column to review "American Horror Story: Double Feature," the tenth iteration of the "AHS" franchise.
"When I got the email notification, my heart sank — as soon as I opened the message, I discovered that a student in my in-person math class had tested positive for COVID-19 and that I was exposed on Wednesday, Sept. 1."
Cops and courts reporter Wajeeha Kamal debriefs the 73rd Emmy Awards: which shows deserved to win, and which ones didn't?
"I wonder what Thompson would say about the events that are taking place now: the polarization of this country, all the anger and rage and pointing fingers at one another," City of East Lansing reporter Noah Edgar writes. "I can't help but think that his words would unite us, or at the very least make us laugh."
City feature reporter Lily Guiney reflects on covering the Second Amendment march at the Capitol last Thursday.
MSU talked a big game about making sure things are handled safely during the pandemic, but now that we’re at our most vulnerable state having people back in East Lansing, there is a lack of direct communication to the students, staff and faculty at the university.
"And yet, in this moment of darkness, the United States did what we do best. We came together as a country." In a letter to the editor, Charlie Jones writes about remembering 9/11 20 years later.
The State News is a student newspaper, and we don’t want to lose focus of that. As students, we offer a unique perspective many of our competitors can’t. We know what students care about. We know what students want to see because we’re students too.
I may not be able to ease your anxieties, and I may not be able to tell you if this is what's best, because even after 17 months, there are unknowns about COVID-19. But I can tell you this: No matter what happens next, The State News has you covered.
There’s still time to support student safety. We’d much rather require students to be vaccinated than see another outbreak that results in another year of virtual learning. Now is the time to be proactive, MSU. Do the right thing.
By failing to condemn the acts of hatred against MSU students, MSU made one thing clear: the university does not support its LGBTQ+ community.
Sports reporter Jared Ramsey dissects Athletic Director Bill Beekman's reasons for abolishing MSU's swim and dive program — should the program really have been cut?
Listen and learn from those who came before you. Heed their advice. You don’t know when one opportunity will be your last.
This year, I’ve been trying to focus a lot more on the people I still have around.
State News staffer Kaishi Chhabra pens down a letter to the newsroom as she prepares to graduate in a few weeks.
Receiving the vaccine was a no-brainer to me.
The State News is dedicated to anti-discrimination, authenticity and real change with open ears. Progress is only possible with room for hard discussions about privilege, biases and equity.
I can't thank this place enough.
Our intention is to return the flags — with fellow students’ messages — to the young people who signed their names.