Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Time for Michigan to support gay marriage

Although the presidential election seemed to overshadow any state election this November, three states — Maryland, Maine and Washington — all voted to recognize same-sex marriage. In another state, a ballot proposal that would have amended Minnesota’s state constitution to ban same-sex marriage was struck down by voters. This came just months after President Barack Obama affirmed his support of same-sex marriage.


Values key strength to Republican Party

Now that the 2012 election has come and gone, it is clear the Republican Party lost in many ways. With these defeats, both in Senate seats and, more importantly, the White House, it is easy to assume the Republican Party is reeling and that it must re-evaluate its core or suffer similar defeats in the future.


Importance of finding your roots

This past summer, I worked as a historic interpreter at Fort Mackinac on Mackinac Island. Dressed up as a soldier who would have been stationed there in the 1880s, I spent the summer shooting rifles, muskets and cannons for visitors.


My solution to national debt

With the “fiscal cliff” quickly approaching, policymakers in Washington, D.C., are rushing to reach a solution to our government’s deficit problem. It widely is accepted that raising taxes dampens economic growth, and doing so would be unwise and risk sending the economy spinning into another recession.


Keyboard can’t replace college experience

Many students at MSU have experienced what it’s like to share a classroom with hundreds of other students. MSU’s largest lecture classes can be composed of more than 500 students, leaving many to feel the classroom is impersonal and too large for class interaction.


Mother’s influence inspires best traits

Most of us probably have heard the phrase “You’re just like your mom/dad” before. And most of us probably have experienced that moment of panic afterward — those few fear-stricken seconds we spend combing our mind for differences, for any reason we’re absolutely not like our parents.


Importance of ‘voting local’

While I’m as thrilled as anyone that political advertisements are over, we now find ourselves in the midst of another election season: holiday shopping season. But this time around, we’re voting with our dollars.


Affirmative action not perfect solution

Affirmative action has become a difficult topic for discussion in the state of Michigan. With multiple legal battles and statewide votes, the program has been both banned and supported by Michigan universities when making admissions decisions.


Decision to drink deeply personal

Picture this: The work week officially is over. Your last classes for the week have been completed. All homework and quizzes have been finished, papers have been revised and submitted and lecture notes have been recorded.