Thursday, December 19, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Ron Kim

Recent Articles


No excuse for skipping classes

It is pretty much safe to say coming in contact with a student who has yet to miss a single class is difficult to come by. Skipping class is an action many of us are quite familiar with.


Theft diminishes trust in peers

Editor’s Note: Views expressed in guest columns and letters to the editor reflect the views of the author, not the views of The State News. _Ron Kim is a guest columnist at The State News and an English junior.


Passivism not worthy of reward

On a recent early Saturday afternoon, my friends and I were leaving our apartment complex to fulfill our appetites with some traditional Hispanic cuisine when suddenly, a man on a bicycle halted in front of us.


Rabble-rousers ‘kill the mood’

If you ever have had a class in Wells Hall, chances are you’ve seen them. And if you were fortunate enough not to have seen them, then you had to have at least suffered the misfortune of hearing them.