Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



New Year’s resolutions can be followed by making easily achievable goals, starting with small steps

Now that 2014 is upon us and classes have begun, I’m sure we all have spent ample time dwelling on the things we wished we had accomplished last year. Thanks to our good friend, the Gregorian calendar, we now have the opportunity to make amends with last year’s shortcomings and start anew. So that begs the question: What is your New Year’s resolution for 2014?


Don’t put off taking required courses

It’s the time of year when you might be second-guessing your scheduling choices, realizing that class you thought sounded like an easy 4.0 actually is going to be your hardest class yet or perhaps your seemingly perfectly-crafted last semester of college actually might turn out to be one of your toughest.


Dear Spartan fans

Dear Spartan fans, Thank you. It’s obvious that Mark Dantonio and the Michigan State football program have a lot to be proud of these days.


MSU was right to delay classes, allow OSU game

As most of us kept an eye on university weather calls the last few days, waited to find out when we would need to brave the cold and officially make our first treks across campus for spring classes, administration successfully juggled the interests of multiple parties affected by the closures — including keeping basketball fans happy.


Letter: Reach out to ASMSU before election

ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, is set to elect a new president on Thursday. This is an excellent opportunity for constituents to connect with their representatives and voice their opinions about how ASMSU should move forward. Representatives are eager to hear from students about the qualities and agendas that they should look for in a candidate to fill this position for the coming semester.


Laws stop students from staying in U.S.

Immigration might seem like a far-away debate about border security in Arizona, but flawed policies hit close to home for thousands of international students at MSU. Unfortunately, after spending thousands of dollars and four or more years of their life at MSU, too many international students are forced to pack up their bags and leave the country.


Apples inexpensive super fruit

Too often, poor college students see nutrition as out of their price range. A bag of dried acai berries or a fresh-pressed organic juice beverage could break the budget for students scraping by, but cheaper apples can be just as good for you.