Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Science brings religious beliefs into question

Being Catholic is something I take pride in and will always love, but after taking time to think about faith and science, I've come to realize some concepts in my religion clash with reality. Around MSU’s campus, I have seen several different churches like Islam, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Catholic, Christian and others. Some religions have similar beliefs and some have totally different ones. How is a person to know which religion to believe in, or if religious beliefs are even real? As I've learned more about science and history, many of the ideals don't seem possible. But does that diminish the value of religion?


Free speech should be celebrated on campus

With warm weather comes sunshine, birds singing, longboarders, outdoor seating at The Peanut Barrel and more people visiting campus — but they’re not always here just to take a stroll along the Red Cedar River.Last week’s slew of demonstrators, protesters and Bible-slingers are evidence that as soon as the snow melts, this campus becomes a forum for discussing opinions and beliefs.With about 49,000 students, it makes sense for student groups as well as outside organizations to want to spread their ideas to students who are forming their own political and social beliefs.This is the U.S.


All men should be feminists

I was born and raised around smart, strong, independent and genuinely beautiful females. Throughout my life, I have seen these women make an impact in the community and in other people’s lives, as well as give life to future world citizens.


Follow Ann Arbor's lead, decriminalize marijuana in East Lansing

Far be it for me to praise our enemies over in Wolverine country, but I must applaud officials in Ann Arbor for their common sense marijuana policy.Instead of jail time, misdemeanors and probation, Ann Arbor police issue $25 tickets to individuals found in possession of up to an ounce of pot. Like a traffic ticket, violators are responsible for paying the ticket but do not have any criminal charges to worry about.