Monday, January 13, 2025

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Lab gets $25 million fund increase

MSU’s National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory will receive a 50 percent increase in funding, university officials announced Thursday The Cyclotron’s funding, provided by the National Science Foundation, will increase from about $50 million to $75 million for the next five years.


Italian speaker talks history

Visiting guest speaker Luca Codignola will hold a lecture from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. today in 340 Morrill Hall on the topic “Early European Expansion: Evidence from the Jesuit Missionaries in North America.” Codignola, originally a history professor for the Universita di Genova in Italy, serves as the Emilio Goggio visiting professor of Italian Studies at the University of Toronto. Codignola specializes in early Canadian history and went to Toronto to teach Canadian history to the students from an Italian viewpoint. Anne Meyering, MSU associate history professor, met Codignola last year while Meyering was holding a seminar.


Program lets computer users help researchers find anthrax cure

From the comfort of their own home or residence hall room, students can take part in a program that is working to help researchers find a cure for anthrax, a potentially deadly bacteria. The project, funded by Microsoft and Intel Corp., uses a screen saver-type program to link participating computers together, creating a virtual supercomputer.


ASMSU revamps committees

A reorganization of the undergraduate student government could make its two assemblies work closer and more efficiently, ASMSU representatives said this week.The organization’s Steering Committee - the agenda-setting committee for ASMSU - is being revamped.“It provides a greater voice for organization wide decision making,” said Matt Clayson, Academic Assembly chairperson.


Academic Assembly to lobby against tuition cap

ASMSU’s Academic Assembly passed a resolution Tuesday encouraging the state Legislature to give more money to the state’s 15 public universities to keep tuition increases reasonable. Some assembly members will lobby for increased state appropriations at the Capitol beginning Feb.


U police hope to improve relations

MSU police Capt. Ken Hall has a big job ahead of him. The MSU Department of Police and Public Safety announced the formation of the Student Support Division this month to increase communication between students and police. The division was created in response to the Task Force on Student-Police Relations, and will be overseen by Hall. The task force was appointed by MSU officials in the wake of the placement of an undercover officer into the student group United Students Against Sweatshops, now called Students for Economic Justice, beginning Feb.


Campus briefs

Conference helps minorities adjust The False Expectations Appearing Real conference will be held from 9 a.m.


Campus briefs

Conference helps minorities adjust The False Expectations Appearing Real conference will be held from 9 a.m.


Lack of use may mean cease of StateWalk

The long walk home could be lonelier for some students after tonight’s decision about the fate of the Residence Halls Association’s StateWalk program.StateWalk, a free service for students walking on campus after dark, might be eliminated by RHA because of low participation.


U still enjoys unlimited downloading

Pipes are bursting on college campuses across the country. But it’s not any fluid that’s overflowing - it’s data.Bandwidth, the amount of space available on a network connection, is becoming a concern for some colleges with high-speed connections to the Internet.


Student assembly leader evades censure

For the first time in two years, there has been a motion to censure an ASMSU Student Assembly leader.A representative made the motion to censure Quinn Wright, chairperson of the undergraduate student government’s Student Assembly, at the Thursday meeting because he failed to submit paperwork in a timely fashion to grant the North American Indian Student Organization $4,000 for its powwow event.“It’s a wake-up call,” said Matt Weingarden, Student Assembly vice-chairperson for internal affairs.


System secures Web documents

To the dismay of many librarians, there is no Dewey Decimal System for the Internet. But the efforts of a group of state libraries and the Online Computer Library Catalog are trying to change all that.The Web Document Digital Archive Project is a consortium of state libraries, including Michigan, Ohio, Connecticut, Arizona, the United States Government Printing Office and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.The program, still in its pilot stage, is designed to protect Web-based publications from the equivalent of decay -


Protesters duel over bombings

Armed with colorful posters, bullhorns, a 15-foot banner and a number to call in case of arrest, about 50 people marched on Friday to protest U.S.-led bombings in Afghanistan.Ten feet behind them, about 20 protesters marched in support of the bombings.The two groups marched from the Union to the FBIoffice at 2911 Eyde Parkway.“We’re trying to show those who oppose the war that terrorists will not respond to a peaceful resolution,” said Marc Stemmer, a political theory and constitutional democracy sophomore.


U challenged to donate

College competition has moved from fields to hospitals with a new program designed to promote blood donation among students. “Points for Pints,” created by the American Red Cross, is in its first year and is placed during the 2001-02 NCAA men’s basketball season. MSU is one of 19 schools participating in the blood drives and contending for an award based on the amount of blood donated between Nov.


Smoking ban goes to board

Lansing - Tom Bramson worries that a proposed smoking ban in Ingham County could lead to a ban that would empty his business, the Nuthouse Sports Grill , by about half. Ingham County’s Environmental Tobacco Smoke Task Force Committee approved a resolution this week that would ban smoking in all public and private work sites.