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Searching for a home
Five-year-old Damonta runs giggling to his mother and throws his arms around her neck, spilling her drink on her lap and the floor of a homeless shelter. "Damonta!" screams his mother, Davonna Davis, laughing.
Family struggles to find home, jobs in area
When Davonna and Willie Davis moved with their three children to the Lansing area, they expected to find a home, a job and a good school immediately."My godson's mother told us about Lansing," Davonna Davis said.
Station organizes donations
When Mojo spotted Samantha Janes approaching the school bus with a bag of food, a DJ for WWDX (92.1-FM), The Edge, sprinted to her, embracing her in a bear hug. I try to meet everyone who donates, Mojo said, pointing to the school bus bearing signs for the radio station - the official collection spot for the Stuff the Bus 2002 campaign. Janes, a history senior, finished shopping at Goodrichs Shop-Rite, 940 Trowbridge Road, and walked across the parking lot to the school bus to donate some food for the campaign, which began at 6 a.m.
Vigil to be held for student
Friends and family of Clare McCormick will gather Saturday for a candlelight vigil to remember her life. McCormick, a 19-year-old elementary education and child development sophomore from Alpena, was hit by a car on Chandler Road on the morning of Oct.