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Judge permits evidence in former MSU Gymnastics coach's trial

October 4, 2019
<p>Ex-MSU gymnastics coach Kathie Klages during a status update on March.14, 2019 at Ingham County Circuit Court.</p>

Ex-MSU gymnastics coach Kathie Klages during a status update on March.14, 2019 at Ingham County Circuit Court.

Former Michigan State gymnastics coach Kathie Klages appeared in court on Wednesday asking to throw out evidence in her trial over allegations she lied to investigators about knowledge of Ex-MSU sports doctor.

Judge Joyce Draganchuk declined to dismiss the felony charge accusing Klages of lying to police. 

The charges center around allegations Klages was told of Larry Nassar's abuse in 1997 by Larissa Boyce and another unnamed witness. The court process began in September 2018, it is moving to trial in February 2019.

Klages retired as MSU’s gymnastics coach in 2017 during the Nassar scandal. She is charged with one felony count and one misdemeanor count of lying to police, she faces up to four years in prison if convicted. 

Klages and her attorney asked for statements she made to Michigan Attorney General special agents during an interview to be thrown out, arguing that Klages was told the interview would not be recorded when she made alleged statements about her knowledge of Nassar's abuse.

“The agreement between Mrs. Klages and her civil attorney with the attorney general agents was that she was not a target for the investigation,” Mary Chartier, Klages’ attorney said."

Draganchuk’s denial of the motion to throw out evidence means her case will proceed to a jury trial scheduled February 7 2020. 

“The court said that while she does not believe the agents should lie there's not a case that would support our position,” Chartier said. “We disagree with that of course, we cited some cases in the briefs but we certainly respect the judges decision, she was very thoughtful about her decision.”

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