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Loomis, Beard leave notable legacies on E.L. City Council

November 4, 2013

Legacies can be a tricky thing to discuss. It’s hard in a community of different viewpoints for a consensus of what a public servant means.

But in the case of retiring East Lansing City Council members Vic Loomis and Kevin Beard, one word circulates in the minds of city officials and citizens alike: consistency.

“I would say they were steady, day-in and day-out,” former East Lansing City Manager Ted Staton said.

Kevin Beard

If one asked Kevin Beard what legacy he leaves, he probably would say it was one of being fair and open minded.

“Almost all of the feedback I’ve received has said something to the effect of: ‘You have been a fair, reasonable, objective council member, and we have appreciated your service,’” Beard said.

Beard served on the East Lansing Planning Commission, the Southeast Marble Neighborhood Association and chaired the Parks and Recreation Commission before being elected to city council in 2005.

Beard said he ran on a promise to protect the neighborhoods, something that he believes was done.

“When I campaigned in 2001, 2005 and 2009, one of my constant themes was protecting the neighborhoods, and I think we’ve accomplished that.”

Former state representative and former East Lansing Mayor Mark Meadows recalled an instance when Beard was on the Southeast Marble Neighborhood Association. Meadows said that in a community of mostly residential properties, one licensed rental caused problems with noise in the community.

“We ended up buying that property as a result of Kevin’s work … and it taught us all a big lesson,” he said.

After the property was bought, council members toured the property and found major problems. From an upside down furnace to faulty electrical wiring, the property forced the city to look closer at the way they license properties.

Vic Loomis

Banking is a profession that lends itself to an understanding of how to handle the fiscal responsibilities of running a city. When people think of Loomis, they often think of an economic voice that was different from other members of council but provided essential balance.

“Vic brought a different perspective,” Meadows said.

Loomis did not return multiple calls or requests for comment.

Loomis has been an East Lansing resident since 1949 and member of the city council since 2001, including a stint as mayor from 2007-2011.

Former council member Roger Peters said Loomis’s legacy is marked by his commitment to the city.

As East Lansing looks to replace two public servants that have been a part of city politics for multiple decades combined, the question is: Can their shoes be filled?

“It’s going to take a long time to replace that kind of longevity, but eventually (the city council) will do it,” Staton said.

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