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City council appoints members of University Student Commission

September 17, 2013

With the intent to improve student and community relations and establish communication between the two, a University Student Commission, or USC, is appointed each year.

At Tuesday’s East Lansing City Council meeting, new members of the USC were appointed, representing the Residence Hall Association, Inter-fraternity Council, Nation Panhellenic Council, ASMSU, Olin Health Center, Community Relations Coalition and the council of Graduate Students.

Interested students not representing a particular organization may also apply to become a member of the commission.

Megan Clark, the city staff resource for the USC, said having something to help improve communication between the city and university is important because about half of the city’s population is made up of students.

“They have a lot to say, they have a lot of input and we want to make sure that their voices are heard,” Clark said. “A lot of the issues we discuss at that governing body level impact students. So its important to have student input on the policy decisions that council makes.”

First year USC member Ephraim Clark, who represents the National Panhellenic Council, said he heard about the opportunity to become a member from one of his professors and was eager to take part.

“As soon I I could I jumped on the opportunity,” Ephraim said. “It’s great because the city of East Lansing isn’t just Michigan State University. It’s always great to increase the rapport with the school and city that it’s within.”

In previous years, the USC helped put into place a party litter ordinance, which includes a provision that allows Parking and Code Enforcement officers to issue a ticket without a prior warning if the offense is deemed serious and establishes a tiered fine system for multiple party litter offenses.

At-large USC member Trevor Thompson said the USC hasn’t discussed what issues will be worked on for the upcoming term, but said he is excited about what’s to come.

“We did a lot with comprehensive planning… with the renovations in the city of East Lansing, and we did something with how the police patrol during St. Paddy’s Day,” Thompson said. “Im really excited about this year, and I’m hoping there’s going to be a lot of good changes that are going to help the students here in East Lansing.”

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