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COGS offers transportation to hockey game at Joe Louis

January 13, 2013

Last Friday, the Council of Graduate Students, or COGS, announced an upcoming trip to watch MSU’s annual hockey game against rival University of Michigan on Feb. 2 at Joe Louis Arena, in Detroit.

COGS will be providing 200 tickets to graduate students for $7 each. The ticket also will include free transportation to Detroit and back, if the student chooses.

The event is looking to help graduate students who are at other locations around the state become more involved with campus activities, COGS President Stefan Fletcher said.

“It also involves the distance medical campus sites and gets them involved with the MSU graduate professional community here,” Fletcher said. “This is something we also worked on a little bit last semester, connecting the folks in Grand Rapids, Macomb and Detroit a little bit more to MSU. Even though they’re far away from East Lansing, they’re still a part of the Spartan family.”

Fletcher pointed out COGS will be looking to offer a similar event in April involving a Tigers game.

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