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Above-average temperatures to end soon

November 23, 2009

East Lansing’s recent string of 50-degree weather might come to an end this weekend as students travel home for Thanksgiving, said Dave Young, chief meteorologist at WLNS-TV.

Mid-Michigan has experienced above-average temperatures of about 50 degrees for the past week, which Young said could be in 30s this weekend.

East Lansing might see rain and snow showers Friday, but they likely won’t amount to any snow accumulation or ice, Young said.

Although temperatures could drop and the Lansing-area could see some of its first snowfall, Young said travelers shouldn’t have many problems unless they’re going as far west as Milwaukee.

“Travelwise, we’re still OK,” he said.

Mid-Michigan experienced about 10 inches of snowfall in November 2008, which Young said likely will not be matched this year.

Above-average temperatures this year could indicate a less frigid December for Michiganians, he said.

“I don’t think we’re going to have a long, cold December,” Young said. “That’s not to say a little bit of snow won’t happen, but I think overall temps will average above normal.”

Animal science junior Taylor Swank said she has been trying to take advantage of the warm weather by spending more time outside and walking to class.

Swank is travelling home to Athens, Mich., this weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving with her family, and said she was disappointed to find out Michigan’s unseasonably warm weather might be coming to an end.

“I guess it’s time for it, but I’m not ready for it,” she said.

Although Swank might not be looking forward to the cold weather, psychology freshman Alla Tayeb said he can’t wait for snow.

Tayeb, who grew up in Saudi Arabia, has never seen snow before and said he is anxiously awaiting his first encounter.

“I bought lots of scarves and jackets and gloves,” he said. “I’m going to build a snowman.”

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