Monday, September 23, 2024

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Turning over Prop. 8 doesn't support ideals of democracy

This letter is in response to the hypocritical editorial Same-sex couples’ rights need national discussion (SN 11/11). The last couple of months I have been reading The State News almost on a daily basis, and oftentimes I have found articles encouraging voting (The Youth Vote (11/07), Set race, gender issues aside when casting your vote (11/04), Students have no excuse not to get out and vote (11/04), Consider motive behind vote, make an informed decision (11/04), Voting 101 (11/03), etc.).

In California, people took The State News’ advice and voted. However, they voted against what The State News supports. The State News then suggests that lawmakers consider overturning the voters’ decision to ban same-sex marriage. This is completely hypocritical. When one encourages voting, one must accept the results. In democratic elections, the citizens must accept the will of the majority. The State News, Arnold Schwarzenegger or the people of San Francisco have no right to try and have the law overturned.

This is the perpetual fault of modern day liberals. They claim to be open-minded and accepting. Yet when they are disagreed with, they claim that they know best and are always correct. They believe that their desires ought to be carried out at any expense to the liberties of others. It is time for liberals to be true liberals and accept the fact that their own opinions are not always right or agreed upon by everyone. The voters of California have spoken; it is their right, just as it was their right to vote, to live by the laws they have enacted.

Eric Awerbuch

philosophy junior

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