Monday, September 23, 2024

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Students have no excuse not to get out and vote

Although it definitely is important to vote, we really don’t feel like rehashing exactly the same lines for the nth time. So instead, we’ll provide you a list of the lesser-known reasons why you should take a few minutes out of your day and make your voice heard.

You should vote because …

Starbucks is giving out free coffee to people who vote.

To help you get that free cup of coffee, the Capital Area Transportation Authority is offering free rides to voters.

Not that we’d condone the behavior, but it’s an excuse to skip class and/or work. Sure, you might have a giant block of free time in the middle of the day, but your boss/professor doesn’t need to know that.

You could end up meeting a really smart and attractive person while standing in line.

It gives you something to Twitter about that isn’t your latest bathroom break.

For that matter, it also can be the basis of a bright, shiny new Facebook status.

For those clothes hounds, it’s an excuse to break out that new outfit you’ve been dying to wear.

If it’s sunny, it’s a chance to bask in one of the last warm days while you wait in line.

If it’s raining, it’s the perfect heart of a story about how you’re so dedicated to public service. It’s also a chance to show off your new raincoat.

If you liked Cedar Fest, you’ll love the voting lines.

You get a cool sticker — and as kindergarten taught us, who doesn’t love stickers?

It gives you a license to complain for the next four years. Don’t be that person who doesn’t participate but then won’t shut up about how stupid the country is.

Standing up is great exercise.

It’s a great way to procrastinate and avoid finishing that paper or project that’s worth 15 percent of your final grade and is due this week.

Who knows? You could end up being that one vote that decides the whole election.

South Park might have been on to something, and not voting might lead to Diddy hunting you down and killing you.

You’ve had two years to make a decision.

You can legalize medical marijuana.

Support student media! Please consider donating to The State News and help fund the future of journalism.

You can teach those hippies a lesson and keep marijuana illegal.

Think about all the money that would have been wasted on the political campaigns.

Because your vote counts just as much as Mark Dantonio’s.

Because you can read.

You can cancel out your idiot roommate’s vote.

It makes a great pick-up line.

Because “American Idol” made voting cool, and you want to be cool, don’t you? Unfortunately, you can’t text your vote yet.

Because everyone else is voting and you don’t want to be left out.

There isn’t much more to say. Voting is the most important thing you can do today and there might not be much more we can do to convince you to do it.

But before you decide to sit this one out, ask yourself: Do I have a good enough reason for not going to the polls?


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