Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Word on the street

How do you feel about Proposal 2 passing?

"I think it's a set back for the simple fact that a lot of people didn't know what affirmative action did. They think it's reverse racism, but it's not."

Marlon Winbush
no-preference freshman

"I voted for it. I just feel that everything should be on an even playing field."

Annie Zillins
biological science senior

"It was poorly written and misrepresented. That's why it passed. I don't feel anymore equal to anyone else just because it passed."

Peter Cook
pre-law junior

"I'm so mad about it. Proposal 2 passed because of the way the proposal was worded and basically people were duped into voting for it. I understand why people would want to get rid of affirmative action, because I know people want to think we are equal, but we still need programs like affirmative action because equality has not yet been reached. Without these programs it makes it more difficult."

Jill Tremonti
education junior


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