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DNR might raise license price

Work group to recommend cost of fee increase

January 27, 2006

Bringing in a 10-point buck or a 10-pound salmon could cost more for Michigan hunters and fishers.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, or DNR, is considering a change in hunting and fishing license fees to offset a structural deficit, said Chief of Staff Dennis Fox.

"A large portion of the programs are funded through hunting and fishing licenses, so (increased revenue) would continue those programs," Fox said.

Programs such as law enforcement, research and other programs in the fisheries and wildlife divisions would be affected by additional funding from a license increase.

A work group comprised of representatives from various outdoors and conservation associations has been formed as a way to make recommendations.

Fisheries and wildlife graduate student Katrina Mueller was asked to be a member of the work group, which she said she was privileged to join.

"I go fishing, and I study fish and people that deal with natural resources," she said.

"I feel that I could ask some good questions."

Mueller said she hadn't decided yet whether she thought the license fees should be increased.

"Personally, I wouldn't mind an increase," she said. "I know the license money goes to support activities by the DNR.

"It depends on how much the increase would be."

License fees have had two $1 increases since 1996, when the last significant increase occurred.

Engineering freshman Shawn Adams, a hunter, said that he wouldn't mind an increase in fees.

"While the short-term effect of paying a few extra dollars may seem like a drag, you have to look at the bigger picture," Adams said.

"The DNR puts all its money back into helping wildlife, so this can only help to benefit hunters."


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