Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Capitol idea

Spending thousands to create professional survey or get students out to Capitol is necessary expenditure for ASMSU

For a long time, the State News editorial board has said that ASMSU needs to find a good way to get students' opinions on issues and get them involved.

In fact, in "Unresolved issues," (SN 1/9), we said getting students involved with college funding and getting them to show up when their presence is needed was going to be a tough goal. And in "Expensive flops," (SN 11/21), we suggested ASMSU use an e-mail survey to learn what students want.

Apparently MSU's undergraduate student government is getting the message. Last week it discussed two bills that show it understands some student concerns — one that would survey students' opinions and another to get students in contact with their representatives in the Capitol.

The advocacy week bill would allocate $5,800 to organize MSU students for meetings with state legislators so they can talk about how much money MSU gets from the Michigan government.

How much money MSU gets in the state budget often affects tuition. Students, then, should be very interested in the money MSU is getting from the state because it will affect how much money they pay for college.

Having students speak face to face with legislators could gives us more clout and make those responsible for working on the budget realize students care.

All of this, of course, relies mainly on getting students involved and getting them to want to go to the capitol.

The other bill will allow ASMSU to acquire up to $7,000 to hire professionals to create a survey that would get student opinions on creating an event center and IM facility.

A company would create the survey and gather statistics for ASMSU and a full report would be sent to administrators.

Hopefully, seeing a professionally done survey will let administrators know student opinions are important and deserve their attention.

Although both of these bills require spending a significant amount of money, it's necessary. We're encouraged that ASMSU wants to get students involved and make sure their voices are heard on big issues.

If they can't get students to care enough about their university, then the investment will be wasted.

ASMSU has the right idea. Now they need to know how to make these bills, and student money, work.

Get students involved, get them to care and get them to act, and ASMSU will be making a big difference.


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