Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Back us up

Simon's lack of student support is getting old; finally speaks out for students a week too late

Where have you been in the past seven months?

Where were you when your students needed a strong voice backing them up at forums and meetings?

Even just one week ago, when the independent commission released its report, you were nowhere to be seen.

The State News has been critical of the lack of student input on the independent commission reviewing the April 2-3 whatever-you-want-to-call-it. Now we realize it's not just students' faults for not coming forward; it's also the fault of MSU's president, Lou Anna K. Simon. Three thousand loud student voices are no match for one of her whispers.

Yet Simon went to the Residence Halls Association for her semesterly meeting two days ago and said the independent commission should have placed the responsibility somewhere.

The commission released its report offering suggestions for future celebration-riot-disturbances one week ago today. They failed to place fault on any parties involved, most likely because that blame should've been placed on police. Heaven forbid our "men in blue" be held responsible for their wrongdoing.

A few administrators have come forward, including one of the students' loudest proponents, commission member and University Physician Beth Alexander. We thank you, Dr. Alexander. We thank you for expressing how ludicrous it is that students should be paying fines when no police officers were disciplined. We thank you for your time and effort, but even your voice isn't as powerful as the one voice that's doing so little so late.

Well, you know what, Lou Anna? The door's shut. This university, including both students and administration, has lost its chance to fight against the misconduct that night.

The State News has placed blame on students for not coming forward loud enough and for becoming apathetic on the issue. Now we see why they've grown apathetic. It's really hard to stand up for yourself against a powerful force — such as a city and a police department — when your own leader quietly pushes it aside.

Simon views are coming too late. The commission isn't placing blame. What now? If this issue is left as it is, it'll unfortunately happen again.

So because no one's choosing to resolve it, The State News will do it for them.

To the commission: Both parties were partially to blame in this incident. Both were to blame, but the actions of the police were far worse than any students' that night and should face consequences. Dr. Alexander is right. By the commission choosing not to hold anyone responsible, it's saying nothing wrong happened. If nothing wrong happened, why were 43 people arrested and fined to cover the overtime of police?

And to Simon: This isn't the first time you've failed to stand behind your students. Your letter to permanent residents in early November apologizing for "alcohol-induced behaviors by young adults in your neighborhoods" and stating that "the behaviors demonstrate a lack of civility, a lack of respect for others, and a lack of self-respect" shows that you view students as children.

You're the president of the university. When you feel something wrong is happening to students, express it.

Before it's too late.


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