Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Smart move

Advertising for Web site effective in piquing curiosity; students do not expect content

It's everywhere.

Flyers, sidewalks, bus stops, chalkboards and people in animal costumes. Everyone who comes to campus is likely to see "" somewhere.

Yet anyone who took the time to look at the Web site probably found the content to be a shock. Little do students realize the innovative campaigning technique is the work of the Campus Crusade for Christ, which is an international organization.

The advertising events leaves much to the imagination — in the early phases of the campaigning, it seemed there wasn't anything to identify the Web site as Christian-based.

The overall advertising was non disruptive and intriguing. This might have contributed to more than 2,000 hits on the Web site since Oct. 13.

The overall curiosity is enough to bring in people to look at the site, which makes for smart advertising.

As opposed to many area organizations campaigning for their cause, the Campus Crusade for Christ doesn't use offensive or shocking content. There aren't giant posters of aborted fetuses or animals about to be slaughtered. Just a Web address on the sidewalk.

It seems odd, however, that an organization would go to such lengths and not include the fact that it was a religious group.

Perhaps it provides more access to people who normally turn their backs on religious propaganda without considering the message being offered.

Religion takes a backseat in college for most people. The site offers some insightful perspective of how students can live daily without sounding like church officials talking down to students.

The creators of were smart and classy about spreading their message and views. And they have the number of Web site hits to prove it.


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