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Pay back

Former RHA member deserved prison time for embezzling $4,500 from the organization

Where did Gary Shivers think he was going without paying his debt to society?

Virgnia? Oh no, Gary. You embezzled $4,500 of students' money from the Residence Halls Association and spent it on Best Buy and Value City gift cards, no less. Gift cards, Gary?

After being convicted of embezzling, the former RHA member will return from his new home and job in Virginia to serve a 10-day jail sentence in Ingham County Jail. In addition, he has to pay $7,075 in restitution and fines for the money he "borrowed," perform 25 days of community service and spend two years on probation.

Shivers, who had accepted a job with an accounting firm in Virginia - ironically, by citing experience with RHA - will now have the chance to return to MSU. But it won't be the experience he remembers.

Before the incident, Shivers was known as "a top student, with good grades," according to his attorney. Unfortunately, good grades don't excuse him from theft.

Judge David Jordan, who handed down the sentence, should be applauded for his decision to teach Shivers a lesson. He was absolutely right. Hopefully it will be an example for anyone else who might try to steal from the university.

RHA should also be commended for turning over finance records to police to help catch him. Oh, yeah. And it was nice that Shivers was made responsible for informing his new employer in Virginia to bring the matter to the firm's attention.

Shivers, who was striving to become a Certified Public Accountant, should probably consider another line of work. Probably one that doesn't involve handling money.

Through his lawyer, Shivers said he wants to put the matter behind him and is willing to accept his sentence. Hopefully, spending a little time behind bars will help him find that closure.


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