Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Out of where?

Conservative students should not use term "coming out" to indicate their political pride

"Hi, Mom, I'm coming out."

What's her first assumption here? Probably not that her son or daughter is announcing political leanings.

But it's official: They're coming out … as conservatives.

The first National Conservative Coming Out Day is today, and the MSU College Republicans and Young Americans for Freedom are promoting this event on campus.

The day is to celebrate right-leaners and enable them to show pride in their political choice.

But by using the phrase "coming out," it seems a little backwards for conservatives and detrimental to the campaign's statement.

When someone says he or she is "coming out," they are, more often than not, announcing his or her homosexuality.

Rarely, if ever, has this phrase been associated for any other group of people.

It's most likely not coincidental Republicans have chosen this phrasing to mark their celebratory day. Their "coming out" seems an unfair strike at a minority Republicans generally seem intent to keep down.

Members of the LBGT community "come out" about being gay to family or close friends in a mostly private matter.

Republicans are now doing it on the public level and mocking a serious action. It's doubtful that any of these conservatives would otherwise feel compelled to "come out" to those close to them.

They should not feel the need to "come out" of any political closet, especially in a time where their party dominates the national government. It's a self-imposed stigma they're placing on themselves, and what for?

Democrats and any other political parties aren't "coming out" with their choice, and they're the minority. So, what's the big deal for conservatives?

Let them show pride in their preference, but "coming out" is a little extreme.

Anyone - no matter what their preference is on anything - should feel comfortable being who they are and, in a perfect society, shouldn't have the need to have a coming out.

There is no need to define any person by a label, because sexual orientation or political preference is not what defines a person.

You can be whatever you are, but no one thing is the sole factor of your existence.

And society should not force it to be.


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